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GMAT Critical Reasoning Practice 102

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Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?

Never-ending farmland expansion on the continent has devastated the natural habitats of many species of birds that are instrumental in controlling the populations of pests in a natural way. Not surprisingly, local agricultural companies incur significant expenses trying to fend off pests with the help of pesticides only. Admittedly, even if the authorities tried to revive the habitats of those birds, the pest problem would remain since __________.

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    (A) ecologists are trying to determine which exact species of birds can be most helpful in controlling the populations of pests.
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    (B) certain species of pests are becoming less and less resistant to brand new formulas of pesticides.
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    (C) there is no more land available for further farmland expansion on the continent despite the policies of agricultural authorities.
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    (D) many of those species of birds are now endangered, and it would take decades to bring their populations back to normal.
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    (E) cultivating other types of crops could be a promising way to fend off certain species of pests.