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GMAT Critical Reasoning Practice 88

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Lifters who prefer to train with heavy weights without a weightlifting belt are at great risk of developing chronic back injury. This crucial piece of gear helps the lifter maintain adequate intra-abdominal pressure to stabilize their spine during a heavy lift. As a result, it is little wonder that many orthopedic patients with a background in weightlifting who end up suffering from chronic back injury admit that they have never used a weightlifting belt in their training.

Which of the following points is necessary to explore in order to evaluate the argument?

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    (A) Whether some weightlifting belts are better suited for stabilizing the spine during a heavy lift than others.
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    (B) Whether the lifter's individual anatomical differences predispose the lifter to chronic back injury.
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    (C) Whether some of the lifters who suffer from chronic back injury used to have the habit of lifting heavier weights than they were supposed to.
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    (D) Whether using a weightlifting belt is a superior way of stabilizing the spine during a heavy lift.
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    (E) Whether choosing the right load to train with is safer than making the effort to stabilize the spine during a heavy lift.