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C1-C2 checked

alliance star_border

/al-liance/ [ah0.l.ay1.ah0.n.s] play_circle_filled

Definition: A union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations

Example sentences:

  • There is a new openness by unions today to building alliances with community-based organizations and churches

C1-C2 checked

by-product star_border

/by-prod-uct/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filled

Definition: An incidental or secondary product made in the manufacture or synthesis of something else

Example sentences:

  • Sugar cane fiber, a by-product of sugar manufacturing, can be made into paper.

C1-C2 checked

capitalism star_border

/cap-i-tal-ism/ [k.ae1.p.ih0.t.ah0.l.ih2.z.ah0.m] play_circle_filled
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Definition: An economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Example sentences:

  • Under capitalism all profit is ultimately the result of the exploitation of the workers

C1-C2 checked

capitalistic star_border

/cap-i-tal-is-tic/ [k.ae2.p.ih0.t.ah0.l.ih1.s.t.ih0.k] play_circle_filled
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Example sentences:

  • It diverts the attention from real social issues only to, in turn, accommodate vile capitalistic policies.

C1-C2 checked

export star_border

/ex-port/ [eh1.k.s.p.ao0.r.t] play_circle_filled
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Definition: sell or transfer abroad; commodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country

Example sentences:

  • It also said Japan as a whole was experiencing a decrease in consumer spending due to a decline in real incomes and exports.
  • The country's economy has suffered because of falling prices for its commodity exports.

C1-C2 checked

globalization star_border

/glob-al-iza-tion/ [] play_circle_filled
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Definition: The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale

Example sentences:

  • Globalization is an inevitable phenomenon in human history that's been bringing the world closer through the exchange of goods and products.

C1-C2 checked

globalize star_border

/glob-al-ize/ [g.l.ow1.b.ah0.l.ay2.z] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Develop or be developed so as to make possible international influence or operation:

Example sentences:

  • The moment the debate was publicized on the Internet, it was globalized.

C1-C2 checked

privatization star_border

/pri-va-ti-za-tion/ [] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Transfer (a business, industry, or service) from public to private ownership and control

Example sentences:

  • As elsewhere in the Pacific, Australia is pushing for economic restructuring measures that include drastic cutbacks to government spending and privatisations.
  • Another primary concern of the ANC government is the privatization of state assets

C1-C2 checked

privatize star_border

/pri-va-tize/ [p.r.ih1.v.ah0.t.ay2.z] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Transfer (a business, industry, or service) from public to private ownership and control

Example sentences:

  • The postal officials reportedly supported Koso as an opponent of government plans to privatize postal services

C1-C2 checked

profitability star_border

/prof-itabil-i-ty/ [p.r.aa2.f.ih0.t.ah0.b.ih1.l.ih0.t.iy0] play_circle_filled
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Definition: (Of a business or activity) yielding profit or financial gain.

Example sentences:

  • That profitability may attract the attention of other potential buyers.

C1-C2 checked

strategic alliance star_border

/strate-gic al-liance/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filled
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Definition: A strategic alliance is an agreement between two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed upon objectives needed while remaining independent organizations. This form of cooperation lies between Mergers & Acquisition M&A and organic growth.

Example sentences:

  • Partners may provide the strategic alliance with resources such as products, distribution channels, manufacturing capability, project funding, capital equipment, knowledge, expertise, or intellectual property. The alliance is a cooperation or collaboration which aims for a synergy where each partner hopes that the benefits from the alliance will be greater than those from individual efforts.

C1-C2 checked

streamline star_border

/stream-line/ [s.t.r.iy1.m.l.ay2.n] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Make (an organization or system) more efficient and effective by employing faster or simpler working methods:

Example sentences:

  • We want to introduce new efficiencies and streamline the service as much as possible,’ Mr McCarthy said.
  • Internet stores have streamlined the process of finding, buying, and selling merchandise.

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