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TOEFL Reading Question Type - Essential Information Question

Madison Oster October 12th, 2021

This is part of a series of TOEFL Reading Question Types. In today’s post, we will discuss an “Essential Information question”. In an “Essential Information question”, you will see the question you see an entire sentence highlighted in the reading passage.

The question will ask you to choose which of the 4 answer option sentences is equal to the highlighted sentence. The correct sentence will be paragraphed so it is different than the highlighted one, but still, convey all the important information. Incorrect sentences will represent a detail or concept inaccurately, leave out an important detail, change the original meaning of the sentence. Let’s look at an example.

TOEFL Reading Practice: Essential Information Question

[6] The end of the Indian trade began with the Indian Removal Act of 1830 forcing tribes such as the Cherokee and the Choctaw to leave their homelands.  When Native Americans resisted relocation conflicts occurred, such as the Second Seminole War which caused the deaths of 3000 Native Americans. They were forced to relocate to and adjust to reservation life. Between industrialization, the reduced population of Native Americans, and the segregation of them into the reservations contributed to the end of Indian trade. Native Americans became dependent on the US government and unable to form economic systems of their own. Today there are several programs, such as the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development, that are helping reservations become independent and financially stable communities.

Question: The sentence in paragraph 6 " Between industrialization, the reduced population of Native Americans, and the segregation of them into the reservations contributed to the end of Indian trade."  is most similar to

  1. Indian trade came to an end because of segregation, industrialization, and declining populations.
  2. The United States industrialized their production, segregated from the Native Americans, and entered conflicts that decreased the Native American population.
  3. Native Americans did not wish to follow industrialization and segregated into the reservation.
  4. Native Americans wished to follow industrialization and segregated into the reservation.
A is the correct answer. All of the information is retained from the original sentence. B is not correct because it says that the United States segregated from the Native Americans but it just put them in particular areas. C is not correct because the passage does not say that the Native Americans had a choice. D is not correct because Native Americans did not willingly go into reservations.

TOEFL Reading Tips & Strategies: How to Answer “Essential Information” Questions

Here is a lesson on how to tackle TOEFL reading “Essential Information” Questions.



If you want to practice more TOEFL reading essential information questions, sign up for our TOEFL preparation course to access our 72 complete TOEFL reading practices and 13 extra essential information questions in our TOEFL reading lessons.

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