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TOEFL® Reading Practice 40

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This section measures your ability to understand academic passages in English. You will read 1 passage and have 18 minutes to read the passage and answer all the questions.

Most questions are worth 1 point, but the last question in each set is worth more than 1 point. The directions indicate how many points you may receive.

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[1] Birdsong – distinguishable from bird “calls” based on complexity and function – is a defining feature of the order Passeriformes. Species may range in the number and sophistication of songs they produce; at the upper end of the scale is the brown thrasher, which has an impressive reperto...
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[1] Birdsong – distinguishable from bird “calls” based on complexity and function – is a defining feature of the order Passeriformes. Species may range in the number and sophistication of songs they produce; at the upper end of the scale is the brown thrasher, which has an impressive reperto...
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TOEFL reading LessonsCompleted: 0 / 73
Tips to improve your reading speed
To get a high score on the TOEFL reading section, you need to have a fast reading speed. To have a fast reading speed, you need to improve your vocabulary and practice dissecting sentences. One strategy to dissect a sentence is to look for the subject and verb of the sentence. Finding the subject and verb will help you better understand the main idea of said sentence. Keep in mind, a common feature of a TOEFL reading passage is to join strings of ideas to form long compound sentences. This produces large chunks that students have a hard time absorbing. Do not get overwhelmed by its length, just look for the subject and verb, the rest of the ideas will flow.

Keep in mind, having a slow reading speed makes skimming or scanning a reading passage more difficult. The process of quickly skimming through a reading passage for specific keywords or main ideas is a requirement for you to employ successful reading strategies to improve your TOEFL reading score. In other words, skimming is a critical skill to ensure you complete all questions in the allotted time frame.
TOEFL Reading Strategies
Once you can read and comprehend a passage with a rate of, at least, 220 words per minute, you'll be ready to start implementing our strategies. All too often, students spend too much time reading the passages and not enough time answering the questions. Here is a step by step guide for tackling the reading section.

1.Skim through the entire reading passage and get a rough idea of what the reading passage is about.

2.Read the question and start scanning the paragraph for related words or keywords from the question. (Most questions will tell you which paragraph the question is referring too.)

3.Quickly read the sentence with the related keywords and the sentences surrounding it to find the answer.

4.Can't find the answer? Skip this question and come back later. There are at least 3 reading passages each with 14 questions. Complete all the questions that do not require you to thoroughly read the passages. Once done, go back to each skipped question and now read the passage carefully keeping note how much time and questions you have left.
TOEFL Reading Question Types

The TOEFL reading test contains 10 different question types:

VocabularyLesson: Vocabulary Question
ReferenceLesson: Reference Question
Essential InformationLesson: Essential Information Question
InferenceLesson: Inference Question
Sentence InsertionLesson: Sentence Insertion Question
PurposeLesson: Purpose Question
DetailLesson: Detail Question
Negative FactualLesson: Negative Factual Question
Complete the SummaryLesson: Complete the Summary Question
Complete the TableLesson: Complete the Table Question
BestMyTest TOEFL reading Report

Score Summary
0 / 1
Rhetorical Purpose
Negative Factual Information
Complete the Summary
Complete the Table
Essential Information
Insert a Sentence
Hello!   :)

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