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Politics & Law view_list format_list_numbered
C1-C2 checked

enactment star_border

/en-act-ment/ [eh0.n.ae1.k.t.m.ah0.n.t] play_circle_filled

Definition: The process of passing legislation

Example sentences:

  • In recent years there has been demand for enactment of legislation enabling the adoption of children.
  • I tentatively support legislative enactment of same-sex marriage - but only when the legislature is constitutionally authorized to do this

C1-C2 checked

jurisdiction star_border

/ju-ris-dic-tion/ [] play_circle_filled

Definition: The official power to make legal decisions and judgments

Example sentences:

  • The equitable jurisdiction of the court appears to have been established.


C1-C2 checked

legitimate star_border

/le-git-i-mate/ [l.ah0.jh.ih1.t.ah0.m.ah0.t] play_circle_filled
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If something is legitimate, that means it is according to the law. To legitimate something is to make it legal, either by passing a law or publicly recognizing it as in accordance with the law. 

Example sentences:

  • They are laws because they are instructions given by a legitimate authority, not because they are backed up by force.
  • He was four times married, and had a large number both of legitimate and illegitimate children.
  • He claimed that the restaurant bill was a legitimate business expense.
  • Most scientists believe it is legitimate to use animals in medical research.
  • We want to legitimate this process by passing a law.


C1-C2 checked

outlaw star_border

/out-law/ [aw1.t.l.ao2] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Ban; make illegal:

Example sentences:

  • The legislation is not there to tackle discriminatory treatment but to outlaw sex discrimination.

C1-C2 checked

parliament star_border

/par-lia-ment/ [p.aa1.r.l.ah0.m.eh0.n.t] play_circle_filled
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Definition: (In the UK) the highest legislature, consisting of the Sovereign, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons

Example sentences:

  • The annual budget only comes into force once the President of the Parliament has signed it.

C1-C2 checked

partisan star_border

/par-ti-san/ [p.aa1.r.t.ah0.z.ah0.n] play_circle_filled
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Definition: strongly supporting a group or point of view

Example sentences:

  • The new talk show taught us more clearly than professors and politicos how partisan democracy can so easily be tarnished by selfish, corruptible whims.
  • Partisan political infighting caused Congress's influence to decline.

C1-C2 checked

petition star_border

/pe-ti-tion/ [] play_circle_filled
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Definition: to make a request

Example sentences:

  • However, the decision to demolish the hotel has been controversial, with a social media campaign and petitions launched to save it.

C1-C2 checked

poll star_border

/poll/ [p.ow1.l] play_circle_filled
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Definition: the counting of votes (as in an election); questionnaire

Example sentences:

  • The candidate has maintained his leading position in opinion polls — or risen further.
  • A Variety poll from earlier this year found eight of the top 10 most famous, recognizable, and important celebrities to teens were YouTubers.

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