Instructions: Select an image that best describes the vocabulary you just heard.
Instructions: Listen to an audio of a sentence and complete the sentence by dragging the correct missing word from the vocabulary list on the right.
Instructions: Listen to an audio of a sentence and complete the sentence by selecting the correct missing word from the vocabulary list.
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Instructions: Listen to an audio of a sentence and complete the sentence by entering the missing word or words in the black placeholder.
Instructions: Listen to an audio of a sentence and complete the sentence by entering the missing word or words in the black placeholder.
The word "inadvertent" is closest in meaning to
Instructions: Listen to an audio of a sentence and complete the sentence by dragging the correct missing word from the vocabulary list on the right.
Instructions: Listen to an audio of a sentence and complete the sentence by selecting the correct missing word from the vocabulary list.
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Instructions: Listen to an audio of a sentence and complete the sentence by dragging the correct missing word from the vocabulary list on the right.
Instructions: Listen to an audio of a sentence and complete the sentence by selecting the correct missing word from the vocabulary list.
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The word "incessant" is closest in meaning to
Instructions: Listen to an audio of a sentence and complete the sentence by dragging the correct missing word from the vocabulary list on the right.
Instructions: Listen to an audio of a sentence and complete the sentence by selecting the correct missing word from the vocabulary list.
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Exercise Vocabulary List
predominate"Dominate" and "predominate" can be used interchangeably in some sentences, normally dominate is used to...
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predominanceSimilar to the verbs, the noun “dominance” means power and influence over others. And “predominance”...
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predominantThe adjective "dominant" means most influential, having the greatest importance. The word “predominant”...
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infertileThe adjective "infertile" describesland that cannot produce a large number of good quality cropsanimals or plants a...
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enrichmentTo enrich something means to improve its quality, usually by adding something to it. For example:The soya bean originated in...
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aridArid land is so dry that very few plants can grow on it. Example sentences:A desalination plant can convert sea water to drin...
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present-dayPresent-day things, situations, and people exist at the time in history we are now in....
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settlementA settlement is a group of people choosing to live somewhere together. A settlement is smaller than a town and may be a group...
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prominenceThe noun "prominence" means the state of being prominent, and prominent means famous or well-known, so if someone o...
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inadvertentWhen something happens by accident, it's inadvertent, or unintentional. .When your actions are inadvertent you're not...
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camouflageCamouflage is the way in which some animals are colored and shaped so that they cannot easily be seen in their natural surrou...
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mimicDefinition: to copy an actionExample sentences:Babies mimic eating behaviors, so it's imperative that you and those regul...
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mimicryDefinition: The close external resemblance of an animal or plant (or part of one) to another animal, plant, or inanimate obje...
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colony"Colony" can have two meanings. The first is that it is a place where a group of people with the same interest or o...
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colonialColonial means relating to countries that are colonies, or to colonialism. Example sentence:The colonial period occurred when...
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meteoriteMost meteoroids that enter the Earth's atmosphere vaporize completely and never reach the planet's surface. If any pa...
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meteorWhen a meteoroid enters the atmosphere, friction, pressure, and chemical interactions with the atmospheric gases cause it to...
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auroraAn aurora, sometimes referred to as polar lights, northern lights or southern lights, is a natural light display in the Earth...
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deforestationDeforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses. Examples of defores...
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acid rainAcid rain is a rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic, meaning that it has elevated levels of hydro...
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endangeredAn animal that is endangered is close to extinction — meaning there aren't very many of that type of animal left in...
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populationDefinition: All the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country. All the people or animals of a particular type or gro...
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ecologicalEcological describe something relating to ecology or the environment. Examples:The destruction of the rain forests is an ecol...
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endemicIf a disease or illness is endemic in a place, it is frequently found among the people who live there. For example:Polio was...
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karstDefinition: Landscape underlain by limestone that has been eroded by dissolution, producing ridges, towers, fissures, sinkhol...
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canyonDefinition: A deep gorge, typically one with a river flowing through it.Example senences:The most familiar type of canyon is...
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avalancheDefinition: A mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainsideExample senences:Only on a mountain can you exp...
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landslideDefinition: The sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.Example senences:Flooding caused bridges to...
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exploitResources can be depleted. The verb "exploit" also means to use resources, but it also has the meaning of to use so...
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exploitationResources can be depleted. The verb "exploit" also means to use resources, but it also has the meaning of to use so...
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footprintDefinition: The impact on the environment of human activity in terms of pollution, damage to ecosystems, and the depletion of...
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colonizeDefinition: Come to settle among and establish political control over (the indigenous people of an area)Example sentences:The...
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colonizationDefinition: Example sentences:Quite soon, however, the invader's aims broadened into conquest and colonization on an unpreced...
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elaborateDefinition: Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design and planning.Example sente...
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nocturnalDefinition: active at nightExample sentences:Most owls are nocturnal....
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incessantDefinition: uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuingExample sentences:This incessant belching expels an impress...
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disguiseDefinition: make unrecognizableExample sentences:Her method of investigation has involved going undercover, adopting various...
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