TOEIC Reading 5 Exercisee 384

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O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:8:"question";s:105:"Like other visitor-dependent businesses, the museum is making ______plans in case the pandemic continues.";s:7:"choices";a:4:{i:0;s:8:"warranty";i:1;s:9:"guarantee";i:2;s:11:"speculation";i:3;s:11:"contingency";}}
TOEIC Reading 5 Category: 
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<p>Like other visitor-dependent businesses, the museum is making <strong>contingency</strong> plans in case the pandemic continues.</p>

<p>The correct answer is (D) <strong>contingency</strong>.</p>

<p>The word "contingency" refers to a plan or arrangement that is made for an uncertain or possible future event. In this context, the museum is making plans in case the pandemic continues, which is an uncertain event. Therefore, "contingency" is the most appropriate word to describe the type of plans the museum is making.</p>

<p>The other options do not fit the context:</p>

<p>(A) <strong>Warranty</strong> refers to a guarantee or promise made by a manufacturer or seller about the quality or performance of a product. This does not fit the context of the museum making plans for the pandemic.</p>

<p>(B) <strong>Guarantee</strong> refers to a promise or assurance that something will be done or provided. Again, this does not fit the context of the museum making plans for the pandemic.</p>

<p>(C) <strong>Speculation</strong> refers to the act of forming opinions or guesses about something without having all the facts. This does not fit the context of the museum making concrete plans for the pandemic.</p>

<p>Therefore, the correct answer is (D) <strong>contingency</strong>.</p>