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GMAT Critical Reasoning Practice 10

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Setting the ground for a far-reaching species reintroduction project, the authorities of Braunia, an archipelago nation located on the Macagus Islands, have recently conducted a study of all major animal species, their habitats, and conditions in which they exist in the region. This study will help researchers gather fresh data that they will then compare with data collected three decades ago during a similar wildlife monitoring endeavor. Reintroducing a select few animal species with the highest capacity for survival helps reestablish truly abundant wildlife in the ecosystem. Thus, the species reintroduction project in Braunia will ensure abundant wildlife populations on the Macagus Islands for decades to come.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the claim that the species reintroduction project will ensure abundant wildlife populations on the Macagus Islands?

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    (A) Due to Braunia's strict environmental protection laws, conditions for wildlife on the Macagus Islands are unlikely to deteriorate compared with conditions recorded three decades ago.
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    (B) Braunia's authorities have access to data that shows which animal species were allowed to disappear from the islands three decades ago to allow the populations of the remaining species to increase.
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    (C) The populations of a select few species common on the Macagus Islands three decades ago were labeled “endangered” during the recent study.
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    (D) Even the strongest animal species do not always thrive well on their own and require species reintroduction to sustain the abundance of wildlife in the ecosystem.
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    (E) The reintroduction of only a select few animal species in the ecosystem can cause the populations of these species to reduce over time due to imbalances in the food chain.