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GMAT Critical Reasoning Practice 166

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In Cruegro, a lot of residents are concerned about the consumption of harmful food additives but are unsure how to avoid them in their diet. Cruegro's government is planning to launch a nationwide database of trusted food manufacturers that make additive-free food products. The database will be comprehensive enough to make it easy for Cruegro's residents to know which food products sold in the country contain no harmful additives. Naturally, the database will be a game-changer when it comes to raising public awareness of additive-free food products available in Cruegro.

Which of the following points represents the assumption on which the author's argument depends?

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    (A) A certain number of trustworthy food manufacturers who make additive-free food products are based in Cruegro.
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    (B) Without the list in the specified database, the residents of Cruegro would have more difficulty deciding which food products in the country are free from additives.
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    (C) More residents of Cruegro would prefer eating additive-free food compared with the residents of Cruegro who are not concerned about harmful additives in food products.
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    (D) A lot of residents of Cruegro who prefer to eat additive-free food rely on food manufacturers that are based in Cruegro.
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    (E) The government of Cruegro is not planning to launch a similar database for each specific region of the country.