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GMAT Critical Reasoning Practice 168

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Approximately 1,700 years ago, a massive flood on the Strowerian continent caused the formation of the Maldurn Archipelago. Separated from the continent, the archipelago replaced the chain of mountains that had stretched across the edge of the continent before the flood, evolving into a distinct ecosystem with brand new species of plants that have become common throughout the archipelago. It is safe to say that despite originating from the same continent the archipelago has naturally developed a higher level of biodiversity compared with the remaining continent.

Which of the following points is the assumption on which the argument hinges?

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    (A) Brand new species of animals and birds may not have appeared on the archipelago.
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    (B) The plant species that are native to both the archipelago and the remaining continent may have a more limited habitat on the archipelago compared with the remaining continent.
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    (C) The new ecosystem that has gained a foothold on the archipelago has been conducive to a greater biodiversity.
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    (D) Since the formation of the archipelago, the ecosystem on the remaining continent might have been changing as well.
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    (E) The new plant species that have become common around the archipelago may have been brought to the archipelago but not to the continent by someone at some point after the archipelago's formation.