In part 3, it'll be a two-way discussion. The examiner will ask you further questions which are connected to the topic of Part 2. These questions are designed to give you an opportunity to discuss more abstract issues and ideas.
library_books Preview Questions
- Can clothing tell you much about a person in your country?
- Do people still wear traditional clothing in your country?
- How has clothing fashion changed in your country over the last few decades?
- Let’s move on from clothing to uniforms. Why do some companies ask their staff to wear uniforms?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of having uniforms at work?
- For which jobs are people required to wear a uniform in your country?
- Do you think people are treated differently when they are in uniform?
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SAMPLE IELTS Speaking Report
SAMPLE Score Summary 
Audio Feedback (Sample)
Audio feedback helps with pronunciation, intonation and flow of speech
SAMPLE Criteria Score Reports
Pronunciation 5/9
• attempts to control features but lapses are frequent
• mispronunciations are frequent and cause some difficulty for the listener
Pronunciation is about how you form English sounds and how you use natural English intonation. Your pronunciation and intonation can damage your score if it is difficult for the raters to understand what you are saying.
How to Improve
Watch the following pronunciation video lessons to improve your pronunciation.
Vowel | Video Lesson |
Vowel ɪ and i | ... |
Vowel ɛ and æ | ... |
Vowel ə and ʌ | ... |
Vowel ɔ and ɑ | ... |
Vowel ʊ and u | ... |
Consonants | Video Lesson |
Consonant b and p | ... |
Consonant d and t | ... |
Consonant g and k | ... |
Consonant dʒ and tʃ | ... |
Consonant v and f | ... |
Consonant ð and θ | ... |
Consonant s and z | ... |
Consonant ʃ and ʒ | ... |
Consonant m, n and ŋ | ... |
Consonant l and r | ... |
Consonant h, w and y |
... ... |
Fluency and Coherence 5/9
• may over-use certain connectives and discourse markers
• produces simple speech fluently, but more complex communication causes fluency problems
Fluency and Coherence is about how quickly you can speak, how much pausing and hesitation you use, and how well you use connection words to develop and organize your talk. You don't have to speak quickly, but just quickly enough to sound natural and explain all of your ideas. Raters want to hear natural rhythm and flow.
How to Improve
To improve your speech flow...
Unnatural Pauses and Hesitations Reduction Exercise
Practice any IELTS question and record your answer. Then listen to your recording and...
Speech Pacing Exercise
An important key to earning a high score on Speech delivery is pacing in your speech. A good pacing means using proper pauses and word stresses. Here is a step-by-step exercise that can help you improve the pacing in your speech:
- ...
- ...
- ...
Grammatical Range and Accuracy 5.5/9
Correct grammar usage is about how you use English grammar and sentence structure. Raters want to see that you can use what you know correctly. Your grammar doesn't have to be perfect to score high, but mistakes shouldn't interfere with your meaning.
How to Improve
Using right tenses is important in IELTS speaking. Every time you are not sure about what tense you should use, refer to our sample answer and...
Grammar topic | Lesson |
All past tenses | ... |
Present perfect tense | ... |
How to talk about future using right tenses | ... |
Mixed Verb Tenses in English: Conditionals and IF clauses | ... |
Lexical Resource (Vocabulary) 6/9
• generally paraphrases successfully
Lexical Resource (Vocabulary) is about how you use English words. Raters are looking for responses that use different words correctly and accurately, and that use a wide range of words that help listeners understand.
How to Improve
To improve your vocabulary in speaking, ...
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IELTS speaking LessonsCompleted: 0 / 64
Useful vocabulary for Part 1 questions about clothing
Where do you usually buy your clothes?
Well... Honestly, I tend to wear used clothes because I'm conscious of my budget. So, when I need some new clothes, I'll go down to the thrift store, and they never let me down.
It depends. When I have to be budget-minded, I might go to a garage sale and get some second-hand clothes. But if I've got a few extra bucks to spend, I might go to the vintage store because I really feel good when I’m dressed in that kind of style.
I used to buy clothes from department stores and independent boutiques, but now I shop mostly online. I don’t feel the need to wear the latest fashions – I tend to gravitate towards fairly neutral colors and timeless styles that seem to last a couple of seasons.
I usually go to the department store to buy my clothes, but I usually prefer fitted clothes. There's nothing like this feeling of wearing an item of clothing that has been tailored for your body - such clothes just fit like a glove.
I love exploring local boutiques. They are usually run by those owners who have an eye for fashion and know their customers well. Often, I can also find a variety of accessories in such stores that match my outfit.
What kinds of clothes do you prefer to wear?
I prefer timeless clothes because they spare me the trouble of having to worry so much about what's trendy or what's fashionable. The truth is I’m not that into fashion, and I don’t mind wearing the same style every day as long as it fits me well.
If I were given a choice, I would like to wear sportswear every day. I feel much more relaxed wearing tank tops and sweatpants. Unfortunately, I have to wear business casual clothes like trousers with button down shirts at work. So, I only get to wear casual clothes on my days off.
I prefer to buy forgiving cut clothes because I don't have much time to go to the gym and really stay in shape. So, I always look for the items that accentuate my best physical features.
I really like to wear designer labels because I think I look good in trendy clothes. And if I’m going to spend money, why not splurge on designer pieces? They tend to keep consistent resale value over time.
What kinds of clothes do you wear most days?
I’ve been working remotely for years, and my favorite work-from-home clothes are definitely workout clothes. But I don’t normally wear track suits, I would just put on a sweatshirt and gym shorts unless, of course, I have a video conference.
Well… I don’t like shopping, and I’m not always on-trend. My wardrobe consists of mainly shorts, flip-flops and plain T-shirts. But I do dress for the occasion if need be.
It depends. Because I work in a formal environment, I would go for something appropriate for my workplace, like wearing a suit and a tie. But if I’m only hanging out with my friends, I’ll just throw on a hoodie with a pair of distressed jeans.
Well… I usually wear cardigans if I'm inside and maybe a lightweight jacket if it's a bit chilly. But if I'm going outside and I'm gonna ride my motorcycle, I'm definitely gonna put on a leather coat or a windbreaker because that winter wind is super cold.
What is your favourite item of clothing?
I really feel comfortable when I'm in my everyday clothes, and my favorite thing to wear is my Luke Skywalker t-shirt. I have worn it so often that now it is completely worn out.
It has to be blue jeans, either light or dark wash. I believe a crisp white shirt and blue jeans go so well together that they will never go out of style. They are for sure my favorite things to wear.
If I must choose, I would have to say my grey wool sweater is ideal. It keeps me the warmest in my drafty apartment, and it just goes well with everything I own.
Well... I've got a blue turtleneck sweater, which is my favorite piece of winter clothing. It’s so cozy and warm. I really enjoy it because I can put it on as a sort of base and then put another layer on top.
I have this beige double-breasted trench coat. What I like about it is that the fit is roomy, so I can wear anything from a light t-shirt to a chunky sweater underneath it and still look stylish.
Would you ever spend a lot of money on clothes?
Well… Yes, I consider myself a slave to fashion, to an extent, and I follow all the influencers and get instant notifications from all the high street brands. I always feel the urge to update my wardrobe every season.
As much as I hate to admit, I’m sort of shopaholic. My closet has an excess of certain items, such as striped tees, floral print dresses, and ankle boots. I purchase these items again and again because they suit me and they make me feel happy and comfortable.
I would say only when necessary. Where I come from, the weather can get quite frosty at times during winter. So, last year, I finally decided to invest in a lambskin coat that has a big white collar and is super warm.
No, whenever I shop, I always hit the clearance racks first. You can actually find decent pieces there that are less expensive than new arrivals, and most people won’t even know you’ve scored with such a bargain.
No… I think it’s possible to look good without spending a fortune on clothes. I always shop out of season and find pieces at ridiculously low prices. For instance, I would stock up on sweaters in summertime and swimsuits in the winter. They are the best bang for your buck!
forgiving cut clothes: clothes that aren’t too tight and would make one appear slimmer
accentuate: to make something more noticeable
designer labels: fashionable or luxury clothing made by, or carrying the label of, a well-known fashion designer
splurge:to spend a lot of money, especially on something special as a way of making yourself feel good
wardrobe: a person's entire collection of clothes; the clothes you usually wear
dress for the occasion: to put on clothes that are more formal than the clothes you usually wear
distressed jeans: jeans that are intentionally damaged to look aged and ripped
cardigan: a sweater with buttons or a zipper down the front
windbreaker: a very lightweight jacket meant to protect one from wind chill
Someone who is on trend follows the latest fashion
If you describe something as timeless, you mean that it is so good or beautiful that it cannot be affected by changes in society or fashion
A slave to fashion: A person who is particularly concerned that his or her clothing and physical appearance conform to the current, accepted style.
Shopaholic: A person who is addicted to shopping
High street brands: High street fashion, then, refers to the clothing you can buy on the high street in ordinary towns and cities
Double-breasted: (of a jacket or coat) having a substantial overlap of material at the front and showing two rows of buttons when fastened.
Go out of style: To no longer be trendy or fashionable.
Stock up on: to buy a large amount of something so that you will have enough for the future:
Best bang for your buck: The idiom "bang for the buck" means something has good value for the money spent.
Clearance rack: Stores typically place merchandise on a "clearance rack" and periodically reduce the price until someone buys it
Useful vocabulary about clothing
Categories |
Trends |
cuts |
Pants |
Everyday wear/ casual clothes Workout clothes/ sportswear Business casual/ semi-formal clothes Used clothes/ second-hand Hand-me-downs |
Fashionable Trendy Timeless clothes Vintage clothes |
Forgiving cut clothes Fitted clothes |
Short pants Crops Distressed jeans Straights Skinny jeans Relaxed-fit jeans Slacks Dress pants |
Vocabulary to describe clothes in detail
pattern |
material |
Parts |
Patterned Striped Plain check/checked Floral/fruit/basketball print shirts |
Silk Wool Cotton Denim leather |
Collar Sleeve Cuff Waistband Hem zipper |