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TOEIC® Online Course TOEIC Speaking Lessons

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    Lesson 1

    TOEIC reading 5 Overview

    In the TOEIC Reading Part 5, you'll find 30 questions split into three major categories: "Part of Speech," "Grammar," and "Vocabulary." Likewise, Part 6, which contains 16 questions, also covers these three categories. However, it adds an "insert sentence question" in every article. Generally, mastering Part 5 of the TOEIC Reading section sets you up nicely for Part 6. In this lesson, we'll give you a quick rundown of the three types of questions you'll encounter in TOEIC Reading Part 5. 

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    Lesson 2

    Part of Speech Questions

    In the TOEIC exam, “Part-of-Speech” questions are commonly used to assess candidates' understanding of English grammar. These questions typically involve selecting the correct noun, verb, adjective, or adverb that best fits the given sentence context. In this lesson, we will equip you with the necessary skills to analyze sentence structures and effectively tackle Part-of-Speech questions in TOEIC Reading Part 5.

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    Lesson 3

    Countable and Uncountable Nouns

    Students often struggle with differentiating between countable and uncountable nouns. In this lesson, we're going to break down these concepts and show you how to use them correctly in English. We will also provide a range of TOEIC test questions that put these concepts into practice. If you're aiming for a high score in the TOEIC exam, mastering these rules is a must! 

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    Lesson 4

    Compound Nouns

    In the previous lesson, we saw the basic concepts and usage of countable and uncountable nouns in English. In this lesson, we will look at the "compound nouns".

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    Lesson 5


    In this lesson, we're going to explore quantifiers. We've already covered the concepts of singular, plural, countable, and uncountable nouns in our second lesson. With that knowledge in hand, we're now going to delve into the different types of quantifiers. Let's dive in! 

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    Lesson 6

    Subject-Verb Agreement

    In this lesson, we'll focus on subject-verb agreement. The verb's singular or plural form is determined by the subject. By identifying the subject and the corresponding verb in a sentence, you can accurately determine whether to use the singular or plural form of the verb.

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    Lesson 7

    Five Sentence Types, Gerunds, and Infinitives

    In this lesson, we will look at the five English sentence types, and guide you on the correct usage of gerunds and infinitives.

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    Lesson 8

    Common Verbs of the First Sentence Type

    In this lesson, we will look at common verbs of the first sentence type.

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    Lesson 9

    Common Verbs of the Second Sentence Type

    In this lesson, we will look at common verbs of the second sentence type.

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    Lesson 10

    Common Verbs of the third SentenceType

    In this lesson, we will look at common verbs of the third sentence type.

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    Lesson 11

    Common Verbs of the Fourth Sentence Type

    In this lesson, we will look at common verbs of the fourth sentence type.

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    Lesson 12

    Common Verbs of the Fifth Sentence Type

    In this lesson, we will look at common verbs of the fifth sentence type.

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    Lesson 13

    Present, Past, Future Simple, and Future in the Past Tense

    Tense is a crucial aspect of English grammar. Understanding it thoroughly allows for accurate comprehension of English dialogues and pieces of writing. In simplified terms, English tenses are divided into four categories: simple, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous. Each category can further be broken down into three time frames: present, past, and future, totaling to 12 tense variations. In this lesson, we will focus on the first category, the 'simple tense', which includes the present simple tense, past simple tense, and future simple tense. We will also cover the concept of "future in the past tense," a frequently used concept in everyday English conversation that many students struggle with.

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    Lesson 14

    Present, Past, and Future Continuous Tense

    In this lesson, we'll explore the continuous tense in English. The continuous tenses include present continuous, past continuous, and future continuous. Each is used to express continuous actions at different points in time. The duration of these actions can vary greatly - from a few minutes or hours to years. Our goal is to help you understand when to use these tenses in everyday conversations. By the end of this lesson, we hope you will have a better grasp of using the present, past, and future continuous tenses, boosting your confidence in English grammar. 

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    Lesson 15

    Present, Past, and Future Perfect Tense

    In this lesson, we'll delve into the perfect tenses in English. The core concept of perfect tense refers to something that has been completed before a certain time. The perfect tense includes present perfect tense, past perfect tense and future perfect tense.  In this lesson, we'll go through various examples and usage scenarios of perfect tenses. We are confident that by the end, you'll have a much clearer understanding of this grammatical concept.

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    Lesson 16

    Present, Past, and Future Perfect Continuous Tense

    In this lesson, we'll delve into the perfect continuous tenses in English. The core concept of perfect continuous tense refers to continuing to do something until a certain point in time. The perfect continuous tense includes present perfect continuous tense, past perfect continuous tense, and future perfect continuous tense.  In this lesson, we'll go through various examples and usage scenarios of perfect tenses. We are confident that by the end, you'll have a much clearer understanding of this grammatical concept.

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    Lesson 17

    The Active and Passive Voices

    When a sentence is written in the active voice, the subject performs the action; in the passive voice, the subject receives the action. In this lesson, we will teach you how to write sentences in the passive voices.

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    Lesson 18

    Coordinating Conjunctions, Subordinating Conjunctions, and Conjunctive Adverbs

    In this lesson, we will look at three different ways of connecting two different sentences: using coordinating conjunctions and commas, using subordinating conjunctions, and using conjunctive adverbs.

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    Lesson 19

    Adjective Clauses, Relative Pronouns, and Relative Adverbs

    In lesson 18, we introduced three types of subordinate clauses: adjective, noun, and adverb clauses. In this lesson, we will delve into adjective clauses and familiarize ourselves with relative pronouns and relative adverbs. 

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    Lesson 20

    Noun Clauses

    In Lesson 17, we introduced three types of dependent clauses: adjective, noun, and adverb clauses. In this lesson, we'll explore the noun clauses and familiarize ourselves with commonly used noun clause connectives. 

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    Lesson 21

    Adverb Clauses

    In Lesson 17, we introduced three types of dependent clauses: adjective, noun, and adverb clauses. In this lesson, we'll explore the adverb clauses and familiarize ourselves with common subordinate conjunctions used in the adverb clause.  

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    Lesson 22

    Participle Clauses

    Participle clauses are frequently encountered in English articles and exams, be it a reading or grammar test. This lesson is designed to help you learn how to transform sentences into participle structures. Primarily, participle clauses can be utilized to simplify three types of sentences:  sentences with adverb clauses, sentences with coordinating conjunctions, and non-defining clauses introduced by “which". If you're unfamiliar with these sentence structures, it would be beneficial to first review Lessons 17, 18, and 21. 

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    Lesson 23


    Pronouns are handy words that take the place of nouns or groups of nouns in a sentence. They help us avoid repeated use of the same names or objects. This lesson will provide a simple overview of the various types of pronouns used in English. 

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    Lesson 24

    Present Participles, Past participles, Gerunds, and Infinitives

    In the previous lessons, we have learned present participles, past participles, infinitives, and gerunds. This lesson will take you to review all their usages.

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    Lesson 25

    Prepositions Part 1

    In this lesson, we will look at the usage of the four prepositions: “in”, “on”, "at",  and "for". To master these prepositions, we recommend practicing reading example sentences regularly. Think of it like exercising muscles - the more you practice, the more intuitive the usage of these prepositions will become. 

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    Lesson 26

    Prepositions Part 2

    In this lesson, we will examine common prepositions such as "by", "as", "against", "beyond", "plus", "with", "without", "like", "unlike", "through", "following", "regardless of", "except", "instead of", "despite", "regarding", "about", and "as for". To master these prepositions, we recommend practicing reading example sentences regularly. Think of it like exercising muscles - the more you practice, the more intuitive the usage of these prepositions will become. 

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    Lesson 27

    Prepositions Part 3

    In this lesson, we will deepen our understanding of how to use prepositions to express time periods, directions, and positions. We will look at prepositions such as “within”, “during”, “throughout”, “for”, “until”, “by”, “since”, “before”, “from”, “to”, “toward”, “through”, “across”, and “along”. To master these prepositions, we recommend practicing reading example sentences regularly. Think of it like exercising muscles - the more you practice, the more intuitive the usage of these prepositions will become. 

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    Lesson 28

    Conditional Sentences

    Conditional sentences, also known as "if" clauses, are a fundamental part of English language that allow us to express various scenarios or hypotheses and their potential outcomes. There are several distinct types of these sentences, each carrying different meanings and possibilities. In this lesson, we will guide you through the most frequently used types of conditional sentences.

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