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C1-C2 checked

abutment star_border

/abut-ment/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filled

Definition: A structure built to support the lateral pressure of an arch or span

Example sentences:

  • Various foundation types have been adopted to support the bridge piers and abutments.

C1-C2 checked

algorithm star_border

/al-go-rithm/ [ae1.l.g.er0.ih2.dh.ah0.m] play_circle_filled

Definition: A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer:

Example sentences:

  • This first step is here reduced to a simple algorithm suitable for computer use.

C1-C2 checked

apparatus star_border

/ap-pa-ra-tus/ [ae2.p.er0.ae1.t.ah0.s] play_circle_filled
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Definition: The technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose

Example sentences:

  • There would also be more discussions on matters such as better emergency training and equipment, including breathing apparatus for rail staff and the strengthening of drivers' cabs.

C1-C2 checked

circulate star_border

/cir-cu-late/ [s.er1.k.y.ah0.l.ey2.t] play_circle_filled
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Definition: move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point

Example sentences:

  • Women who tested positive for circulating tumor DNA were 12 times more at risk of cancer recurrence than those who tested negative.
  • No director for the new film has been announced, although rumors have been circulating that James would like to direct the movie himself.

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collapse star_border

/col-lapse/ [k.ah0.l.ae1.p.s] play_circle_filled
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Definition: (Of a structure) fall down or in; give way

Example sentences:

  • The structure suddenly collapsed, sending lecturer and papers sprawling.

C1-C2 checked

combust star_border

/com-bust/ [k.ah0.m.b.ah1.s.t] play_circle_filled
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The verb combust basically has the same meaning of the verb “burn”, and the noun ‘combustion’ basically means “burning”. We use it a lot when we talk about the burning process in car engines and power plants.

  • Since fuels require oxygen to combust, reduced oxygen content in the vapor space lowers the risk of unwanted combustion.

  • Natural gas is frequently combusted in gas turbines as well as boilers.

  • Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide are all indicators of the efficiency of the combustion process.

C1-C2 checked

combusted star_border

/com-bust-ed/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Be consumed or destroyed by fire

Example sentences:

  • When fossil fuels are combusted, oxides are emitted into the atmosphere

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combustible star_border

/com-bustible/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filled
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“Combustible” can be an adjective or a noun. Used as an adjective, it describes something that can be burned easily. For example:

  • The fuel is highly combustible.

Used as a noun, it refers to something that can be burned easily. For example

  • Combustibles such as coal and gasoline are easy to burn.

C1-C2 checked

combustion star_border

/com-bus-tion/ [] play_circle_filled
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The verb combust basically has the same meaning of the verb “burn”, and the noun ‘combustion’ basically means “burning”. We use it a lot when we talk about the burning process in car engines and power plants.

  • Since fuels require oxygen to combust, reduced oxygen content in the vapor space lowers the risk of unwanted combustion.

  • Natural gas is frequently combusted in gas turbines as well as boilers.

  • Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide are all indicators of the efficiency of the combustion process.

C1-C2 checked

discharge star_border

/dis-charge/ [] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Allow (a liquid, gas, or other substance) to flow out from where it has been confined

Example sentences:

  • The station was allowed to discharge sewage into the river during an emergency and was supposed to have alarms fitted to act as a warning when there had been a pump failure, but none of them worked.

C1-C2 checked

dissipate star_border

/dis-si-pate/ [d.ih1.s.ah0.p.ey2.t] play_circle_filled
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As an intransitive verb,  the verb "dissipate" means to slowly disappear and become a small amount.  Here is an example sentence:

  • The heat gradually dissipates into the atmosphere.

As a transitive verb,  the verb "dissipate" means to cause something to slowly disappear and become a small amount.  Here is an example sentence:

  • Engineers design the cable support systems of the suspension bridge in such a way that most of the weight of the bridge is supported by the two towers, which in turn dissipate the compression forces from the cables directly into the ground.



C1-C2 checked

dissipation star_border

/dis-si-pa-tion/ [] play_circle_filled
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The noun "dissipation" is the act of dissipating. The verb "dissipate" means to slowly disappear and become a small amount or to cause something to slowly disappear and become a small amount. 

Here are example sentences using dissipation:

  • With the dissipation of the clouds, you could enjoy the sunny afternoon.
  • Insulation helps prevent the dissipation of heat from houses in the winter.
  • Charging batteries faster than a certain rate has issues with the dissipation of heat and ultimately degrades batteries' ability to retain a charge.​
C1-C2 checked

fabricate star_border

/fab-ri-cate/ [f.ae1.b.r.ah0.k.ey2.t] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Construct or manufacture (an industrial product), especially from prepared components; to make up; lie

Example sentences:

  • Only master craftsmen could design and fabricate such a product.
  • It is upsetting that he would fabricate a story about having survived that horrible tragedy.

C1-C2 checked

fine-tune star_border

/fine-tune/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Make small adjustments to (something) in order to achieve the best or a desired performance:

Example sentences:

  • They can fine-tune the computer programs to focus on a small region of space

C1-C2 checked

harness star_border

/har-ness/ [hh.aa1.r.n.ah0.s] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Control and make use of (natural resources), especially to produce energy

Example sentences:

  • Ireland should be harnessing its natural resources.

C1-C2 checked

hydraulic star_border

/hy-draulic/ [hh.ay0.d.r.ao1.l.ih0.k] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Denoting or relating to a liquid moving in a confined space under pressure

Example sentences:

  • After we shot down the catapult, we saw a sheen of hydraulic fluid covering the pressure bulkhead in the back of the aircraft.

C1-C2 checked

hydroelectric star_border

/hy-dro-elec-tric/ [hh.ay2.d.r.ow0.ih0.l.eh1.k.t.r.ih0.k] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Relating to or denoting the generation of electricity using flowing wate

Example sentences:

  • Electricity generated through the use of waterwheels or hydraulic turbines is known as hydroelectric powe

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hydrothermal star_border

/hy-drother-mal/ [] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Relating to or denoting the action of heated water in the earth’s crust

Example sentences:

  • Because hydrothermal water is rich in certain metals, like manganese, an increase in the concentration in a sample can point to a vent.

C1-C2 checked

inflatable star_border

/in-flat-able/ [ih0.n.f.l.ey1.t.ah0.b.ah0.l] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Capable of being filled with air

Example sentences:

  • For 18 months they lived with mattresses on the bedroom floors, a telly, inflatable armchairs and their games consoles.

C1-C2 checked

infrared star_border

/in-frared/ [ih2.n.f.r.er0.eh1.d] play_circle_filled
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Definition: (Of equipment or techniques) using or concerned with infrared radiation:

Example sentences:

  • But if that storm clears in time, the jets were going to get out with some infrared equipment and help with the search starting tomorrow

C1-C2 checked

insulate star_border

/in-su-late/ [ih1.n.s.ah0.l.ey2.t] play_circle_filled
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Definition: the room was heavily insulated against all outside noise

Example sentences:

  • With hot water heating systems, the diameter of the piping remains constant, the slope is irrelevant, and all lines are insulated to prevent heat loss.

C1-C2 checked

insulation star_border

/in-su-la-tion/ [] play_circle_filled
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Definition: The action of insulating something

Example sentences:

  • You can keep your home warmer through insulation.

C1-C2 checked

lateral star_border

/lat-er-al/ [l.ae1.t.er0.ah0.l] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Of, at, toward, or from the side or sides

Example sentences:

  • For propagation, cut off the lateral rosettes with roots during March to April or September to October and plant in ordinary soil.

C1-C2 checked

nuclear star_border

/nu-clear/ [non-..n.aa1.n.uw1.k.l.iy2.er0] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Denoting, relating to, or powered by the energy released in nuclear fission or fusion

Example sentences:

  • To generate electricity, we use hydroelectric power, coal and nuclear energy.

C1-C2 checked

renewable star_border

/re-new-able/ [r.iy0.n.uw1.ah0.b.ah0.l] play_circle_filled
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Definition: (Of a natural resource or source of energy) not depleted when used

Example sentences:

  • If you're willing to put solar panels on your roof or a hybrid car in your driveway, you may be eligible for tax incentives and rebates on renewable sources of energy and related technologies.
  • There's no doubt that wind and solar are clean, efficient and renewable sources of energy.v

C1-C2 checked

rigid star_border

/rigid/ [r.ih1.jh.ah0.d] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Unable to bend or be forced out of shape; not flexible

Example sentences:

  • The cabin has plenty of storage spaces, but the door pockets would be much more useful with flexible sides instead of rigid ones.

C1-C2 checked

seismic star_border

/seis-mic/ [s.ay1.z.m.ih0.k] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Of or relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust

Example sentences:

  • The Government has already identified areas that are vulnerable to earthquake based on seismic activity.

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seismicity star_border

/seis-mic-i-ty/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filled
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Definition: The occurrence or frequency of earthquakes in a region:

Example sentences:

  • Although the rate of seismicity has declined since the April 6th peak, earthquakes are still occurring frequently, and steam and ash emissions and small explosions are likely to occur.

C1-C2 checked

semiconductor star_border

/semi-con-duc-tor/ [s.eh2.m.iy0.k.ah0.n.d.ah1.k.t.er0] play_circle_filled
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Definition: A solid substance that has a conductivity between that of an insulator and that of most metals, either due to the addition of an impurity or because of temperature effects.

Example sentences:

  • A completely different class of materials organic semiconductors are being developed for these applications

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solar panel star_border

/so-lar pan-el/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filled
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Definition: A panel designed to absorb the sun’s rays as a source of energy for generating electricity or heating.

Example sentences:

  • Most robots today draw that energy from electrical cords, solar panels, or batteries.

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sonar star_border

/sonar/ [s.ow1.n.aa0.r] play_circle_filled
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Definition: A system for the detection of objects under water by emitting sound pulses and detecting or measuring their return after being reflected

Example sentences:

  • Out in the Atlantic, vast Japanese factory ships work nonstop, using modern sonar detection to spot the tuna shoals they sweep the ocean clean of fish.

C1-C2 checked

sterilize star_border

/ster-il-ize/ [s.t.eh1.r.ah0.l.ay2.z] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Make (something) free from bacteria or other living microorganisms

Example sentences:

  • This chemical is used to make other chemicals and is also widely used in the health care industry to sterilize medical devices.

C1-C2 checked

turbulent star_border

/tur-bu-lent/ [t.er1.b.y.ah0.l.ah0.n.t] play_circle_filled
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Definition: Relating to or denoting flow of a fluid in which the velocity at any point fluctuates irregularly and there is continual mixing rather than a steady or laminar flow pattern

Example sentences:

  • Boundary layers have to be modelled with particular attention to the possible change from turbulent to laminar flow.

C1-C2 checked

valve star_border

/valve/ [v.ae1.l.v] play_circle_filled
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Definition: A device for controlling the passage of fluid through a pipe or duct, especially an automatic device allowing movement in one direction only:

Example sentences:

  • The system is regulated by a height control valve which allows fluid to move between spheres to keep the car level.

C1-C2 checked

ventilator star_border

/ven-ti-la-tor/ [v.eh1.n.t.ih0.l.ey2.t.er0] play_circle_filled
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Definition: An appliance for artificial respiration; a respirator.

Example sentences:

  • Six patients reported symptomatic improvement, including three who were weaned off the mechanical ventilator.

C1-C2 checked

withstand star_border

/with-stand/ [] play_circle_filled
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Definition: resist or confront with resistance

Example sentences:

  • Though not every painting has withstood the test of time, some of the works ended up being quite significant.
  • Building methods in many other developing countries can withstand gravity and wind but have limited resistance against very strong earthquakes.

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