benign star_border
/be-nign/ [b.ih0.n.ay1.n] play_circle_filledDefinition: (Of a disease) not harmful in effect:
Example sentences:
- In actual fact, for the vast majority of cases, the childhood infectious diseases are benign and self-limiting.
cardiovascular star_border
/car-dio-vas-cu-lar/ [k.aa2.r.d.iy0.ow0.v.ae1.s.k.y.ah0.l.er0] play_circle_filledDefinition: Relating to the heart and blood vessels:
Example sentences:
- Uncontrolled diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.
cellulose star_border
/cel-lu-lose/ [s.eh1.l.y.ah0.l.ow2.s] play_circle_filledDefinition: An insoluble substance which is the main constituent of plant cell walls and of vegetable fibres such as cotton. It is a polysaccharide consisting of chains of glucose monomers
Example sentences:
- Major constituents of the cell wall are cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectins.
chickenpox star_border
/chick-en-pox/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filledDefinition: An infectious disease causing a mild fever and a rash of itchy inflamed pimples which turn to blisters and then loose scabs. It is caused by the herpes zoster virus and mainly affects children.
Example sentences:
- Generally, chickenpox is a milder illness for children than it is for adults.
chromosome star_border
/chro-mo-some/ [k.r.ow1.m.ah0.s.ow2.m] play_circle_filledDefinition: A thread-like structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying genetic information in the form of genes.
Example sentences:
- The sex chromosomes are placed to the right of the smallest autosomal chromosomes.
chronic star_border
/chron-ic/ [k.r.aa1.n.ih0.k] play_circle_filledDefinition: (Of an illness) persisting for a long time or constantly recurring
Example sentences:
- People with chronic respiratory or cardiovascular illness or immune system diseases are also more susceptible than others to pollutants.
cortex star_border
/cor-tex/ [k.ao1.r.t.eh0.k.s] play_circle_filledDefinition: The outer layer of the cerebrum (the cerebral cortex), composed of folded grey matter and playing an important role in consciousness.
Example sentences:
- Careful prospective and controlled studies of autonomic function will clarify the roles of the cortex and the brainstem in the generation and expression of seizures.
degenerative star_border
/de-gen-er-a-tive/ [d.ih0.jh.eh1.n.er0.ah0.t.ih0.v] play_circle_filledDefinition: (Of a disease) characterized by progressive deterioration and loss of function in the organs or tissues.
Example sentences:
- This damage impairs the immune system, leading to infections, cancer, or degenerative diseases such as heart disease.
dehydrate star_border
/de-hy-drate/ [d.ih0.hh.ay1.d.r.ey0.t] play_circle_filledDefinition: Cause (a person or their body) to lose a large amount of water:
Example sentences:
- When a person is dehydrated by more than 2% of body weight, both heart rate and body temperature are elevated during exercise.
digestive star_border
/di-ges-tive/ [d.ay0.jh.eh1.s.t.ih0.v] play_circle_filledDefinition: Relating to the process of digesting food:
Example sentences:
- Symptoms include increased blood pressure, cancers of the mouth and upper digestive system.
exhale star_border
/ex-hale/ [eh0.k.s.hh.ey1.l] play_circle_filledDefinition: Breathe out in a deliberate manner:
Example sentences:
- The basic technique is what's call ‘continuous circular breathing’, where one breathes slowly and deeply, exhaling without pause and then inhaling, again without a pause or break.
immune star_border
/im-mune/ [ih2.m.y.uw1.n] play_circle_filledDefinition: Resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells
Example sentences:
- Vaccinations allow you to become immune to an infection without having the illness first.
immunization star_border
/im-mu-niza-tion/ [] play_circle_filledDefinition: Make (a person or animal) immune to infection, typically by inoculation
Example sentences:
- We recorded use of preventive health services and immunisations at the final paediatric assessments.
immunize star_border
/im-mu-nize/ [ih1.m.y.uw0.n.ay2.z] play_circle_filledDefinition: Make (a person or animal) immune to infection, typically by inoculation
Example sentences:
- Stray dogs are carefully controlled, household dogs are immunized, and rabies vaccination is widely available.
infection star_border
/in-fec-tion/ [] play_circle_filledDefinition: The process of infecting or the state of being infected
Example sentences:
- This causes the skin to blister on contact, which can result in infection, sepsis, and death
malaria star_border
/malar-ia/ [m.ah0.l.eh1.r.iy0.ah0] play_circle_filledDefinition: An intermittent and remittent fever caused by a protozoan parasite which invades the red blood cells and is transmitted by mosquitoes in many tropical and subtropical regions
Example sentences:
- Preventable diseases such as malaria and diarrhea and cholera are a major killer.
paralysis star_border
/paral-y-sis/ [p.er0.ae1.l.ah0.s.ah0.s] play_circle_filledDefinition: The loss of the ability to move (and sometimes to feel anything) in part or most of the body, typically as a result of illness, poison, or injury
Example sentences:
- Traditional stroke symptoms were defined as loss of balance and paralysis of at least one part of the body.
pathogen star_border
/pathogen/ [] play_circle_filledDefinition: A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease
Example sentences:
- Symptoms and signs of influenza in children are not specific and can mimic a range of other common respiratory viral pathogens.
plague star_border
/plague/ [p.l.ey1.g] play_circle_filledDefinition: Any contagious disease that spreads rapidly and kills many people
Example sentences:
- Diseases like smallpox wiped out the indigenous people in a succession of plagues.
polio star_border
/po-lio/ [p.ow1.l.iy0.ow2] play_circle_filledDefinition: An infectious viral disease that affects the central nervous system and can cause temporary or permanent paralysis.
Example sentences:
- Unless polio is eliminated in India and Nigeria, global eradication cannot be achieved
polymer star_border
/poly-mer/ [p.aa1.l.ah0.m.er0] play_circle_filledDefinition: A substance which has a molecular structure built up chiefly or completely from a large number of similar units bonded together
Example sentences:
- The ability of living organisms to define the molecular composition of a polymer with complete accuracy is an enviable one.
premolar star_border
/pre-mo-lar/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filledDefinition: A tooth situated between the canine and the molar teeth. An adult human normally has eight, two in each jaw on each side.
Example sentences:
- The normal permanent dentition comprises four incisors, two canines, four premolars, and six molars in each jaw.
respiratory star_border
/res-pi-ra-to-ry/ [r.eh1.s.p.er0.ah0.t.ao2.r.iy0] play_circle_filledDefinition: Relating to or affecting respiration or the organs of respiration
Example sentences:
- A cough may also be caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory track due to a viral infection due to the common cold or flu.
retina star_border
/reti-na/ [r.eh1.t.ah0.n.ah0] play_circle_filledDefinition: A layer at the back of the eyeball that contains cells sensitive to light, which trigger nerve impulses that pass via the optic nerve to the brain, where a visual image is formed.
Example sentences:
- The chip captures light that enters the eye, and generates an electrical signal that is transmitted to the overlaying neural cells of the retina.
saliva star_border
/sali-va/ [s.ah0.l.ay1.v.ah0] play_circle_filledDefinition: Watery liquid secreted into the mouth by glands, providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing, and aiding digestion
Example sentences:
- When the food doesn't go down, the mouth produces more saliva to try and lubricate everything into submission.
salivary star_border
/sali-vary/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filledDefinition: (ADJECTIVE) Related to saliva
Example sentences:
- Reflex secretion of saliva from the salivary glands under the tongue and in the cheeks is stimulated by chewing, taste and smell, to varying degrees.
salivation star_border
/sali-va-tion/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filledDefinition: The secretion of saliva
Example sentences:
- Vomiting may be preceded by nausea, which is often accompanied by increased autonomic nervous system activity, involving salivation, sweating, pallor, and low blood pressure.
stamina star_border
/sta-mi-na/ [s.t.ae1.m.ah0.n.ah0] play_circle_filledDefinition: enduring strength and energy
Example sentences:
- One of the great battles for a young dancer is finding the stamina to survive a solo without falling to pieces by the end.
- Is it possible for one to have the mental, emotional and even physical stamina at the same time?
therapeutic star_border
/ther-a-peu-tic/ [th.eh2.r.ah0.p.y.uw1.t.ih0.k] play_circle_filledDefinition: Relating to the healing of disease:
Example sentences:
- It banned a drug which had considerable therapeutic value and was far less harmful than many other medicines.
ventricle star_border
/ven-tri-cle/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filledDefinition: Each of the four connected fluid-filled cavities in the centre of the brain.
Example sentences:
- There was no definite plane between the tumor and the floor of the fourth ventricle.
Words List