abdomen star_border
/ab-domen/ [ae0.b.d.ow1.m.ah0.n] play_circle_filledDefinition: The part of the body of a vertebrate containing the digestive and reproductive organs; the belly.
Example sentences:
- Attacked bees often have deformed wings and abdomens and a shortened life span.
alligator star_border
/al-li-ga-tor/ [ae1.l.ah0.g.ey2.t.er0] play_circle_filledDefinition: A large semiaquatic reptile similar to a crocodile but with a broader and shorter head, native to the Americas and China
Example sentences:
- The zoo here is now playing host to a pair each of seamy crocodiles, alligators and caimans, giving the city dwellers a glimpse of some rare species.
amphibian star_border
/am-phib-ian/ [ae0.m.f.ih1.b.iy0.ah0.n] play_circle_filledDefinition: A cold-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that comprises the frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, and caecilians.
Example sentences:
- Spadefoot toads are desert-dwelling amphibians that breed opportunistically in short lived pools filled by periodic rainfall.
anatomically star_border
/anatom-i-cal-ly/ [ae2.n.ah0.t.aa1.m.ah0.k.l.iy0] play_circle_filledDefinition: As regards bodily structure:
Example sentences:
- This plant may be regarded as anatomically the most primitive of the Medulloseae.
anatomy star_border
/anato-my/ [ah0.n.ae1.t.ah0.m.iy0] play_circle_filledDefinition: The bodily structure of an organism:
Example sentences:
- Scientists believe that some animals with very different anatomies are related - for instance, the kangaroo and the platypus, and the hippo and whale
antennae star_border
/an-ten-nae/ [ae0.n.t.eh1.n.iy0] play_circle_filledDefinition: Either of a pair of long, thin sensory appendages on the heads of insects, crustaceans, and some other arthropods:
Example sentences:
- In these fossils, detail of legs, antennae, wings, and even small body hairs are preserved.
arthropod star_border
/arthro-pod/ [aa1.r.th.r.ah0.p.aa2.d] play_circle_filledDefinition: an animal without a back bone, with six or more jointed legs, a segmented body and a supporting structure on the outside
Example sentences:
- Arthropod biodiversity was on average one-third greater on organic farms than on conventional farms.
beak star_border
/beak/ [b.iy1.k] play_circle_filledDefinition: A bird’s horny projecting jaws; the horny projecting jaw of animals other than birds, for example a turtle or squid.
Example sentences:
- As a trombone player pulls in the slide to make a higher frequency sound by reducing the volume of the tube, so does a bird open its beak and pull back its head to reduce the volume of its vocal tract.
beehive star_border
/bee-hive/ [b.iy1.hh.ay2.v] play_circle_filledDefinition: A box-like or dome-shaped structure in which bees are kept
Example sentences:
- The ideal places for establishing bee colonies were locations where the farm pesticide use was low, and where there were several beehives in the wild.
biological star_border
/bi-o-log-i-cal/ [b.ay2.ah0.l.aa1.jh.ih0.k.ah0.l] play_circle_filledDefinition: Of or relating to biology or living organisms
Example sentences:
- IBM has unveiled an ambitious initiative to develop technologies that share the basic biological abilities of living organisms.
canine star_border
/ca-nine/ [k.ey1.n.ay2.n] play_circle_filledDefinition: Relating to or resembling a dog or dogs
Example sentences:
caterpillar star_border
/cater-pil-lar/ [k.ae1.t.ah0.p.ih2.l.er0] play_circle_filledDefinition: The larva of a butterfly or moth, which has a segmented body resembling a worm with three pairs of true legs and several pairs of leg-like appendages
Example sentences:
- Flying to several sites to deposit eggs is a strategy used by all moths and butterflies whose caterpillars must hide from predators.
cocoon star_border
/co-coon/ [k.ah0.k.uw1.n] play_circle_filledDefinition: A silky case spun by the larvae of many insects for protection as pupae
Example sentences:
- I saw a spider's web and an insect larva beginning to spin a cocoon.
cold-blooded star_border
/cold-blood-ed/ [k.ow1.l.d.b.l.ah1.d.ah0.d] play_circle_filledDefinition: Denoting animals whose body temperature varies with that of the environment (e.g. fish)
Example sentences:
- Crocodiles are cold-blooded creatures, and they keep their temperature constant by basking in the sun and staying in the water at night.
cretaceous star_border
/cre-ta-ceous/ [k.r.ih0.t.ey1.sh.ih0.s] play_circle_filledDefinition: Of, relating to, or denoting the last period of the Mesozoic era, between the Jurassic and Tertiary periods
Example sentences:
- The Jurassic and Cretaceous together were the age of giant reptiles.
crocodile star_border
/croc-o-dile/ [k.r.aa1.k.ah0.d.ay2.l] play_circle_filledDefinition: A large predatory semiaquatic reptile with long jaws, long tail, short legs, and a horny textured skin, using submersion and stealth to approach prey unseen. The crocodile has been extensively hunted for its valuable skin
Example sentences:
- Hunted extensively for their skins, large crocodiles are becoming increasingly rare.
crocodilian star_border
/croc-o-dil-ian/ [k.r.aa2.k.ah0.d.ih1.l.y.ah0.n] play_circle_filledDefinition: A large predatory semiaquatic reptile of an order that comprises the crocodiles, alligators, caimans, and gharial
Example sentences:
- In other species, such as monitor lizards and crocodilians, the lungs are partitioned into chambers made up of an intricate net of support structures
crustacean star_border
/crus-tacean/ [k.r.ah0.s.t.ey1.sh.ah0.n] play_circle_filledDefinition: An arthropod of the large, mainly aquatic group Crustacea, such as a crab, lobster, shrimp, or barnacle.
Example sentences:
- Marine scientists have found evidence of similar patterns among shoreline species like crabs, crustaceans and seaweed.
ectotherm star_border
/ec-totherm/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filledEctotherms are animals depending mainly on external heat sources, and their body temperature changes with the temperature of the environment. The adjective is ectothermic
Example sentences:
- Because reptiles are ectothermic, the embryos of live-bearing females and the eggs of oviparous females deposited in the soil or other locations are subject to fluctuating temperatures.
- Tortoises are ectotherms because they rely on the environment to sustain their body temperature.
ectothermic star_border
/ec-tother-mic/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filledDefinition: of animals having body temperature that varies with the environment
Example sentences:
- Many ectothermic species demonstrate behavioral thermoregulation following feeding in an attempt to increase body temperature.
embryo star_border
play_circle_filledAn embryo is an animal that is developing either in its mother's womb or in an egg, or a plant that is developing in a seed. Example sentences:
- Between the eighth week of development and birth a human embryo is called a foetus.
- Recent research on human embryos led to the discovery that a left-right asymmetry is evident before birth.
endotherm star_border
/en-dotherm/ [ic..eh2.n.d.ow0.th.er1.m.ih0.k] play_circle_filledDefinition: An animal that is dependent on or capable of the internal generation of heat.
Example sentences:
- A small endotherm must maintain a steady internal temperature and has a considerabe demand for respiratory oxygen.
- Birds are endotherms and maintain high body temperatures.
- Endotherms are animals that maintain a constant body temperature even when environmental temperatures fluctuate. In contrast, the environment regulates the body temperature of ectotherms and thus their metabolic rate tends to be lower than the metabolic rates of endotherms, which must maintain a high, constant body temperature.
endothermic star_border
play_circle_filledDefinition: dependent on or capable of the internal generation of heat.
Example sentences:
- People, polar bears, penguins, most other birds, and mammals are endothermic animals.
exoskeleton star_border
/ex-oskele-ton/ [eh2.k.s.ow0.s.k.eh1.l.ah0.t.ah0.n] play_circle_filledDefinition: A rigid external covering for the body in some invertebrate animals, especially arthropods
Example sentences:
- Lobsters, like all animals with exoskeletons, periodically shed their armor as they grow.
growl star_border
/growl/ [g.r.aw1.l] play_circle_filledDefinition: (Of an animal, especially a dog) make a low guttural sound of hostility in the throat
Example sentences:
- The dog growls at the bottom of the tree, trying to claw his way up.
invertebrate star_border
/in-ver-te-brate/ [ih2.n.v.er1.t.ah0.b.r.ah0.t] play_circle_filledDefinition: An animal lacking a backbone, such as an arthropod, mollusk, annelid, coelenterate, etc. The invertebrates constitute an artificial division of the animal kingdom, comprising 95 percent of animal species and about 30 different phyla
Example sentences:
- During the breeding season they eat mostly insects and other invertebrates.
luminesce star_border
play_circle_filledTo luminesce is to shine or glow with light. Some types of jellyfish have the uncanny ability to luminesce underwater.
luminescence star_border
play_circle_filledWhen some object gives off light, that light is called luminescence.
luminescent star_border
play_circle_filledThings that glow in the dark like light bulbs, are luminescent. Other luminescent things include the stars in the night sky, glow worms, and certain glowing jellyfish and other sea creatures. When a living thing is luminescent, it's a phenomenon called bioluminescence.
marsupial star_border
/mar-su-pi-al/ [m.aa0.r.s.uw1.p.iy0.ah0.l] play_circle_filledDefinition: A mammal of an order whose members are born incompletely developed and are typically carried and suckled in a pouch on the mother’s belly. Marsupials are found chiefly in Australia and New Guinea, and also in America.
Example sentences:
- In South America and Australia, however, marsupials continued to be an important group of land mammals.
metabolic star_border
/meta-bol-ic/ [m.eh2.t.ah0.b.aa1.l.ih0.k] play_circle_filledDefinition: Relating to or deriving from the metabolism of a living organism:
Example sentences:
- Endotherms are animals that maintain a constant body temperature even when environmental temperatures fluctuate. In contrast, the environment regulates the body temperature of ectotherms and thus their metabolic rate tends to be lower than the metabolic rates of endotherms, which must maintain a high, constant body temperature.
pigment star_border
/pig-ment/ [p.ih1.g.m.eh0.n.t] play_circle_filledDefinition: The natural colouring matter of animal or plant tissue:
Example sentences:
- Lycopene is a red pigment that occurs naturally in certain plant and algal tissues.
pigmentation star_border
/pig-men-ta-tion/ [p.ih2.g.m.ah0.n.t.ey1.sh.ah0.n] play_circle_filledDefinition: The natural colouring of animal or plant tissue
Example sentences:
- Increased pigmentation in animals, such as these spots, may be genetic, acquired, or associated with pigmented tumors.
pigmented star_border
/pig-ment-ed/ [p.ih2.g.m.eh1.t.ih0.d] play_circle_filledDefinition: Color (something) with or as if with pigment
Example sentences:
- According to my reference sources, albino birds are extremely rare in the wild, and they also tend to be attacked by the normally pigmented members of their flock.
pouch star_border
/pouch/ [p.aw1.ch] play_circle_filledDefinition: A pocket-like abdominal receptacle in which marsupials carry their young during lactation.
Example sentences:
- Two situations are considered, internal development of the embryos in closed incubating, brood or marsupial pouches, and external development in eggs exposed to the external medium. This group includes all of the pouched animals, such as opossums, kangaroos, and Tasmanian devils.
primate star_border
/pri-mate/ [p.r.ay1.m.ey2.t] play_circle_filledDefinition: any member of the group of animals that includes human beings, apes, and monkeys
Example sentences:
- Primate is an order of mammals such as humans, monkeys, ape, lemurs, bush babies and tarsiers. They are distinguished by the use of hands.
protozoan star_border
/pro-to-zoan/ [p.r.ow2.t.ah0.z.ow1.ah0.n] play_circle_filledDefinition: A single-celled microscopic animal of a group of phyla of the kingdom Protista, such as an ameba, flagellate, ciliate, or sporozoan.
Example sentences:
- They have been considered animals, protozoans, fungi or space aliens.
reptile star_border
/rep-tile/ [r.eh1.p.t.ay0.l] play_circle_filledDefinition: A cold-blooded vertebrate of a class that includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises. They are distinguished by having a dry scaly skin, and typically laying soft-shelled eggs on land
Example sentences:
- Several hunts organized by the city government over the past months turned up empty-handed, apparently since cold-blooded reptiles are not very active during the chillier months
ritualization star_border
/rit-u-al-iza-tion/ [no ipa available] play_circle_filledDefinition: The evolutionary process by which an action or behaviour pattern in an animal loses its original function but is retained for its role in display or other social interaction.
Example sentences:
- Footdrumming, as with other signals, probably originated by ritualization of older forms of behavior not associated with communication such as running and digging.
scavenger star_border
/scav-enger/ [s.k.ae1.v.ah0.n.jh.er0] play_circle_filledDefinition: An animal that feeds on carrion, dead plant material, or refuse:
Example sentences:
- There were the small herbivores and scavengers and hunters scuttling in the undergrowth, hiding from the larger predators who occasioned down from the heights.
tentacle star_border
/ten-ta-cle/ [t.eh1.n.t.ah0.k.ah0.l] play_circle_filledDefinition: A slender, flexible limb or appendage in an animal, especially around the mouth of an invertebrate
Example sentences:
- With its radiant color and plantlike shape, the sea anemone looks more like a flower than an animal. More specifically, the sea anemone is formed quite like the flower for which it is named, with a body like a stem and tentacles like petals in brilliant shades of blue, green, pink, and red.
termite star_border
/ter-mite/ [t.er1.m.ay0.t] play_circle_filledDefinition: also called white ant
Example sentences:
- Some termites feed on the wood timber of houses, posing a danger as a roof or ceiling can collapse from the impact of their feeding.
venom star_border
/ven-om/ [v.eh1.n.ah0.m] play_circle_filledDefinition: A poisonous substance secreted by animals such as snakes, spiders, and scorpions and typically injected into prey or aggressors by biting or stinging
Example sentences:
- Snake venoms have different effects.
venomous star_border
/ven-omous/ [v.eh1.n.ah0.m.ah0.s] play_circle_filledDefinition: (Of an animal, especially a snake) secreting venom; capable of injecting venom by means of a bite or sting
Example sentences:
- Anytime you receive a bite from a venomous snake, it's a very dangerous encounter
vertebrate star_border
/ver-te-brate/ [v.er1.t.ah0.b.r.ey2.t] play_circle_filledDefinition: An animal of a large group distinguished by the possession of a backbone or spinal column, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes
Example sentences:
- For that reason the earliest terrestrial vertebrates did not come equipped with an occiput, as we understand the term.
Words List