Can you define this word? /crop/ [k.r.aa1.p]
crop star_border
/crop/ [k.r.aa1.p]
Crops are plants such as wheat and potatoes that are grown in large quantities for food. Farmers grow/harvest/cultivate crops
Example sentences:
- Rice farmers here still plant and harvest their crops by hand.
- The main crop is wheat and this is grown even on the very steep slopes.
Can you define this word? /cul-ti-vate/ [k.ah1.l.t.ah0.v.ey2.t]
cultivate star_border
/cul-ti-vate/ [k.ah1.l.t.ah0.v.ey2.t]
If you cultivate land or crops, you prepare land and grow crops on it. Cultivation is the act of cultivating.The adjective cultivable describe land that can be cultivated.
Here are example sentences
- It is believed that due to climate change, people moved from animal hunting to gathering and agriculture. About 10,000 years ago, some human groups began to raise animals and cultivate domesticated plants.
- Prehistoric peoples settled the area and began to cultivate the land.
- Some of the fields are cultivated while others lie fallow.
- The burning of woodland created an open clearing for the cultivation of hazel trees and grazing animals.
- In the past cultivation of crops was a labor-intensive process.
- Arid land is unsuitable for many crops and must be irrigated in order for cultivation to take place.
- Cultivable land can be used to grow crops.
- Most of the island isn't cultivable - the soil is too rocky.
Can you define this word? /cul-ti-va-tion/ []
cultivation star_border
/cul-ti-va-tion/ []
If you cultivate land or crops, you prepare land and grow crops on it. Cultivation is the act of cultivating.The adjective cultivable describe land that can be cultivated.
Here are example sentences
- It is believed that due to climate change, people moved from animal hunting to gathering and agriculture. About 10,000 years ago, some human groups began to raise animals and cultivate domesticated plants.
- Prehistoric peoples settled the area and began to cultivate the land.
- Some of the fields are cultivated while others lie fallow.
- The burning of woodland created an open clearing for the cultivation of hazel trees and grazing animals.
- In the past cultivation of crops was a labor-intensive process.
- Arid land is unsuitable for many crops and must be irrigated in order for cultivation to take place.
- Cultivable land can be used to grow crops.
- Most of the island isn't cultivable - the soil is too rocky.
Can you define this word? /agri-cul-tur-al/ []
agricultural star_border
/agri-cul-tur-al/ []
Definition: Relating to agriculture
Example sentences:
- Agricultural land covers 33% of the world's land area, with arable land representing less than one-third of agricultural land.
Can you define this word? /aqua-cul-ture/ []
aquaculture star_border
/aqua-cul-ture/ []
Definition: The rearing of aquatic animals or the cultivation of aquatic plants for food.
Example sentences:
- The good news about mussel farming is that unlike other forms of aquaculture, the end product is better than the wild version.
Can you define this word? /arable/ [ae1.r.ah0.b.ah0.l]
arable star_border
/arable/ [ae1.r.ah0.b.ah0.l]
Definition: (Of land) used or suitable for growing crops.
Example sentences:
- A third of Russia's arable land lies fallow and production costs are one-third lower than those for American wheat farmers. Some cyanobacteria do not require fresh water, nitrate - based fertilizer, or even arable land to grow and flourish.
Can you define this word? /arid/ [al..ah0.l.eh1.r.ih0.d]
arid star_border
/arid/ [al..ah0.l.eh1.r.ih0.d]
Arid land is so dry that very few plants can grow on it. Example sentences:
- A desalination plant can convert sea water to drinking water in many arid regions of the world by the salt from seawater.
- During the Miocene period, rainforests dried into partially arid deserts. Animals had to travel long distances to find food that was low-lying vegetation.
Can you define this word? /cul-tivable/ [no ipa available]
cultivable star_border
/cul-tivable/ [no ipa available]
If you cultivate land or crops, you prepare land and grow crops on it. Cultivation is the act of cultivating.The adjective cultivable describe land that can be cultivated.
Here are example sentences
- It is believed that due to climate change, people moved from animal hunting to gathering and agriculture. About 10,000 years ago, some human groups began to raise animals and cultivate domesticated plants.
- Prehistoric peoples settled the area and began to cultivate the land.
- Some of the fields are cultivated while others lie fallow.
- The burning of woodland created an open clearing for the cultivation of hazel trees and grazing animals.
- In the past cultivation of crops was a labor-intensive process.
- Arid land is unsuitable for many crops and must be irrigated in order for cultivation to take place.
- Cultivable land can be used to grow crops.
- Most of the island isn't cultivable - the soil is too rocky.
Can you define this word? /do-mes-ti-cate/ [d.ah0.m.eh1.s.t.ah0.k.ey2.t]
domesticate star_border
/do-mes-ti-cate/ [d.ah0.m.eh1.s.t.ah0.k.ey2.t]
To domesticate is to bring animals or plants under human control in order to provide food, power, or company. Domestication is the process of domesticating. Here are example sentences:
- Dogs were probably the first animals to be domesticated.
- Through the years of domestication of wheat, there have been several objectives that strive toward making it more productive.
- Most historians believe that animal husbandry began with the domestication of wild dogs.
Can you define this word? /do-mes-ti-ca-tion/ []
domestication star_border
/do-mes-ti-ca-tion/ []
To domesticate is to bring animals or plants under human control in order to provide food, power, or company. Domestication is the process of domesticating. Here are example sentences:
- Dogs were probably the first animals to be domesticated.
- Through the years of domestication of wheat, there have been several objectives that strive toward making it more productive.
- Most historians believe that animal husbandry began with the domestication of wild dogs.
Can you define this word? /en-rich/ []
enrich star_border
/en-rich/ []
To enrich something means to improve its quality, usually by adding something to it. For example:
- The soya bean originated in China, is used it as 'green manure' to enrich the soil for growing other crops.
- It is important to enrich the soil prior to planting.
- Their lives were enriched by the experience. = It was a life-enriching experience for them.
- Their research has enriched [=improved] our understanding of the problem.
- How can I enrich my vocabulary?
To enrich someone also means to make them richer. For example:
- They tried to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor.
A thing that enriches something is enrichment. For example
- A reading enrichment program improves education.
- When vitamins or nutrients are added to food, that's enrichment because it makes the food healthier.
Enrichment can also mean the state of being enriched. For example:
- Manure contains plant essential nutrients, but overuse of manure on agricultural land can cause nutrient enrichment in soils, consequently leading to groundwater eutrophication.
- Native North American grasses develop an extensive root system, allowing for greater enrichment of the soil.
Can you define this word? /en-rich-ment/ []
enrichment star_border
/en-rich-ment/ []
To enrich something means to improve its quality, usually by adding something to it. For example:
- The soya bean originated in China, is used it as 'green manure' to enrich the soil for growing other crops.
- It is important to enrich the soil prior to planting.
- Their lives were enriched by the experience. = It was a life-enriching experience for them.
- Their research has enriched [=improved] our understanding of the problem.
- How can I enrich my vocabulary?
To enrich someone also means to make them richer. For example:
- They tried to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor.
A thing that enriches something is enrichment. For example
- A reading enrichment program improves education.
- When vitamins or nutrients are added to food, that's enrichment because it makes the food healthier.
Enrichment can also mean the state of being enriched. For example:
- Manure contains plant essential nutrients, but overuse of manure on agricultural land can cause nutrient enrichment in soils, consequently leading to groundwater eutrophication.
- Native North American grasses develop an extensive root system, allowing for greater enrichment of the soil.
Can you define this word? /fer-tile/ [f.er1.t.ah0.l]
fertile star_border
/fer-tile/ [f.er1.t.ah0.l]
The adjective "fertile" describes
- land that can produce a large number of good quality crops
- animals or plants are able to produce (a lot of) young or fruit
- mind or imagination is active and produces a lot of interesting and unusual ideas.
Here are example sentences:
- He has a fertile mind.
- People get less fertile as they get older.
- In order to turn the deserts into fertile and productive land, engineers built an 800-mile canal.
- Organic farmers don't put chemicals into the soil but keep it fertile by adding manure.
Can you define this word? /fer-til-i-ty/ [f.er0.t.ih1.l.ah0.t.iy0]
fertility star_border
/fer-til-i-ty/ [f.er0.t.ih1.l.ah0.t.iy0]
Fertility refers to the quality of being able to fertilize, so it can have the following meanings:
- the quality of producing a large number of good quality crops
- the quality of being able to produce young or fruit:
- the quality of producing a lot of unusual and interesting ideas
Example sentences:
- Farmers began to alternate the cultivation to maintain fertility.
- Crop rotation can improve soil structure and fertility by alternating deep-rooted and shallow-rooted plants.
- Globally, the fertility rate has fallen to 2.5 children per woman and low fertility rates are the norm in most parts of the world.
Can you define this word? /fer-til-iza-tion/ []
fertilization star_border
/fer-til-iza-tion/ []
Fertilization is the process of fertilizing. Here are example sentences:
- The process of soil fertilization restores essential nutrients to farmland.
- In humans, fertilization is more likely to occur at certain times of the month.
- Corals can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Corals reproduce sexually by either internal or external fertilization.
Can you define this word? /fer-til-ize/ [f.er1.t.ah0.l.ay2.z]
fertilize star_border
/fer-til-ize/ [f.er1.t.ah0.l.ay2.z]
To fertilize is to spread a natural or chemical substance on land or plants, in order to make the plants grow well. Here are example sentences:
- In organic farming, only natural materials may be used to fertilize crops.
- Much of the soil in our nation has become infertile due to the overuse of pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers.
To fertilize can also mean to cause an egg or seed to start to develop into a new young animal or plant by joining it with a male cell. Here are example sentences:
- Bees fertilize the flowers by bringing pollen.
- Once an egg is fertilized by the sperm, it becomes an embryo.
- Plants that can self-fertilize can still benefit from cross-pollination because it can lead to more or higher quality fruit.
Can you define this word? /fer-til-iz-er/ [f.er1.t.ah0.l.ay2.z.er0]
fertilizer star_border
/fer-til-iz-er/ [f.er1.t.ah0.l.ay2.z.er0]
Definition: A chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility
Example sentences:
- The only way to be a successful farmer is to use lots of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Can you define this word? /har-vest/ [hh.aa1.r.v.ah0.s.t]
harvest star_border
/har-vest/ [hh.aa1.r.v.ah0.s.t]
Definition: Collect or obtain (a resource) for future use
Example senences:
- Plants and bacteria have been harvesting solar energy and converting it into chemical forms of energy through a process known as photosynthesis for a really long time.
Can you define this word? /in-fer-tile/ [ih2.n.f.er1.t.ah0.l]
infertile star_border
/in-fer-tile/ [ih2.n.f.er1.t.ah0.l]
The adjective "infertile" describes
- land that cannot produce a large number of good quality crops
- animals or plants are not able to produce (a lot of) young or fruit
Example sentences:
- Volcanic soil is often fertile.
- The infertile soils are suitable only for grazing.
- Much of the soil in our nation has become infertile due to the overuse of pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers.
- It has been estimated that one in eight couples is infertile.
Can you define this word? /in-sec-ti-cide/ [ih2.n.s.eh1.k.t.ah0.s.ay2.d]
insecticide star_border
/in-sec-ti-cide/ [ih2.n.s.eh1.k.t.ah0.s.ay2.d]
Definition: A substance used for killing insects
Example sentences:
- Mites may be developing resistance to some of the currently used chemical insecticides.
Can you define this word? /ir-ri-gate/ [ih1.r.ah0.g.ey2.t]
irrigate star_border
/ir-ri-gate/ [ih1.r.ah0.g.ey2.t]
Definition: Supply water to (land or crops) to help growth, typically by means of channels.
Example sentences:
- While rainfall registers about 50 inches per year, growers often have to irrigate their crops during extended drought periods.
Can you define this word? /ir-ri-ga-tion/ []
irrigation star_border
/ir-ri-ga-tion/ []
Irrigation is the watering of the land to make it ready for farming. People often set up irrigation systems, such as sprinklers, to prepare the land for crops. It can mean to supply dry land with water, even in the form of ditches. Here are example sentences:
- The crops failed because there wasn’t a proper irrigation system.
- Dryland farming is the practice cultivating crops without irrigation.
- Unsustainable practices in irrigation and production may lead to soil degradation.
- California’s primary agricultural land is in semiarid or arid zones where precipitation is highly seasonal and often nil during the growing season. Therefore, nearly all food and feed crop production depend on irrigation.
Can you define this word? /pas-ture/ []
pasture star_border
/pas-ture/ []
Definition: Land covered with grass and other low plants suitable for grazing animals, especially cattle or sheep
Example sentences:
- The woodland and waste that lay beyond the cultivated land was common land, which provided timber for fuel and building, and rough pasture for cattle, sheep, and goats.
Can you define this word? /per-mafrost/ [no ipa available]
permafrost star_border
/per-mafrost/ [no ipa available]
Definition: A thick subsurface layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year, occurring chiefly in polar regions.
Example sentences:
- The permafrost below the topsoil is frozen all year around, and this prevents roots from penetrating deeply into the ground.
Can you define this word? /pes-ti-cide/ [p.eh1.s.t.ah0.s.ay2.d]
pesticide star_border
/pes-ti-cide/ [p.eh1.s.t.ah0.s.ay2.d]
Definition: A substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals
Example sentences:
- Do not pour pesticides or herbicides down sinks, drains or toilets.
Can you define this word? /salin-iza-tion/ [no ipa available]
salinization star_border
/salin-iza-tion/ [no ipa available]
Definition: the process of increasing the salt content is known as salination
Example sentences:
- There is a widespread salinization of soils caused either by irrigation which draws salts to the surface in dry areas or else the evaporation of irrigation water that leaves salt in its stead.
Can you define this word? /se-mi-arid/ [no ipa available]
semi-arid star_border
/se-mi-arid/ [no ipa available]
Definition: a climate or place that is partially arid, or semi-dry and has less than 20 inches of rain each year
Example sentences:
- Semiarid climate virtually eliminates all major apple pests.
Can you define this word? /so-lifluc-tion/ [no ipa available]
solifluction star_border
/so-lifluc-tion/ [no ipa available]
Definition: The gradual movement of wet soil or other material down a slope, especially where frozen subsoil acts as a barrier to the percolation of water.
Example sentences:
- In contrast to the soil creep of temperate regions, solifluction and gelifiuction are relatively rapid processes in periglacial regions and can result in the active development of slopes.
Can you define this word? /ter-rac-ing/ [no ipa available]
terracing star_border
/ter-rac-ing/ [no ipa available]
Terracing in agriculture is when there are different levels of the fields. It Is best used on a hill or mountain side, with step-like levels are full of crops of some sort.
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