Questions 1-5 refer to the following multiple reading texts.
To: Employees of Flexty Inc. From: John Riley, Manager of Operations Date: April 28, 2020 Subject: The Upcoming Conference Please be aware that our monthly company conference, scheduled for May 3-5, is fast approaching. More importantly, we have a guest speaker this time: Kyle Wallis. Most of you must have heard about his recent nomination for this year's Future Business Influencer award. In all likelihood, Mr. Wallis will give a brief presentation. The logistics department should reserve our executive conference room for his presentation, as it is the only one in our company's headquarters that has a decent projector. Printing a pamphlet with the highlights of Mr. Wallis' nomination is also a must because he will mention this in his presentation. |
Flexty Inc. Monthly Company Conference Presentation by: Kyle Wallis Co-Founder of Mitrex Solutions Co. Realizing the Importance of Lightweight Packaging May 3, 1:00 P.M. The Executive Conference Room We are now becoming more aware that some companies have started to reduce packaging weight. Naturally, consumers expect manufacturers to do all the work, from production and marketing to logistics and sales. What consumers are really after is putting as little effort as possible into this process until the product becomes usable. Understanding this logic is key to mastering the packaging game. If the packaging you offer is lightweight and the delivery is swift, your customers will be more likely to buy from you again. |
To: Parker Stone From: Jimmy Allen Received: May 1, 12:00 P.M. Subject: The Pamphlet About Mr. Wallis' Nomination |
Hey Parker, I'm in the printing room, and I'm about to print out the pamphlet that you created. But there seems to be an issue with it. Mr. Wallis' nomination speech is completely omitted, and yet it is a crucial highlight to include. If you could send me a revised copy of the pamphlet, I would most certainly appreciate it. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Jimmy Allen |