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TOEIC Reading 7 Practice 4

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Questions 1-2 refer to the following text message.

Sue Lambert
12:18 P.M.

Hi Samson, have you managed to check the new computers that have been recently delivered?

Samson McDonald
12:20 P.M.

Yes, I have. But we should consider that more than half of our employees are online marketers, which means we have few employees on site.

Sue Lambert
12:22 P.M.

I have thought about that too. But as our online marketers merely attract customers, we need more employees on site to process orders.

Samson McDonald
12:24 P.M.

Then I feel we should hire more customer service representatives to streamline order processing.

Sue Lambert
12:26 P.M.

Our customer service center is fully staffed, with enough customer service specialists to cover the whole region. The next step for our brand is to adjust to the next wave of incoming customers.

Samson McDonald
12:28 P.M.

Indeed. We should prepare for the increased demand and come up with new clever designs for the formal and casual wear we produce.

1. What kind of business do Ms. Lambert and Mr. McDonald probably work for?
2. At 12:28 P.M., what does Mr. McDonald most likely emphasize when he says “indeed”?
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