多益聽力Part1 多人照片介紹
在多益聽力Part1的照片裡,觀察完發現照片裡有兩個人以上,即為分類裡的多人照片。多人照片裡,我們需要注意的動作和事物更多,選項裡有可能是單人的動作,也可能是多人一起的共同動作,裡面特別要注意的是把兩人動作描述相反的選項, 或是把一個人的動作說成是多人的共同動作的錯誤選項。我們來看看一個範例:
- The customer’s hair is being styled.
- The hair stylist is looking into a mirror
- A cape has been draped around a person’s shoulder.
- Hair spray is being used in a salon.
- 髮型師正在用客人的頭髮。
- 髮型師正在照鏡子。
- 斗篷披在一個人的肩膀上。
- 髮膠正在髮廊被使用。
正解: (A)
The men are sitting around a table. ( 男人們圍坐在桌子四周。)
The lobby is crowded with people. ( 大廳裡擠滿了人。)
The women are standing side by side. ( 女人們並排站著。)
Some women are shaking hands. ( 一些女人在握手。)
The men are having a discussion. ( 男子們正在討論。)
The men are exchanging business cards. ( 男子們正在交換名片。)
Spectators are watching a parade. ( 觀眾正在看遊行。)
Students are clapping their hands. ( 學生正在拍手。)
He is kneeling down in front of a bookshelf. ( 他正跪在書架前面。)
The women are coming out of the entrance. ( 女人們從出入口走出來。)
Passengers are boarding a ferry. ( 乘客正登上渡輪。)
Some students are walking in a line. ( 一些學生正排成一列行走著。)
Some men are relaxing on the lawn. ( 一些男人正在草坪上休息。)
The women are fishing on the shore. ( 女人們正在海岸邊釣魚。)
Some tourists are lying on the beach. ( 一些遊客正躺在海灘。)
Some tourists are lined up at the door. ( 一些遊客在門口排隊。)
A waitress is handing menus to the diners. ( 女服務生正把菜單交給用餐的顧客。)
A clerk is wrapping a gift in a shop. ( 店員正在商店內包裝禮物。)
All the seats are occupied by people. ( 所有座位都坐滿了人。)
There are paintings displayed in the museum. ( 博物館內有畫被展示。)
Desks are separated by wooden partitions. ( 書桌被木製隔板隔開。)
Apples have been placed on the shelf. ( 蘋果被放在架上。)
A cloth has been laid on a table. ( 餐桌布被鋪在桌上。)
A bridge has been built over the river. ( 一條橋被建在河流上方。)
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