多益聽力Part 1風景題目介紹
在多益聽力Part1的照片裡,觀察完沒有人物出現在照片裡,即為分類裡的風景照片。由於沒有人物的動作,所以風景照的題目需要著重在事物的狀態或位置。另外根據空間大小,風景照能細分為空間較小的近距離照片,像房間、客廳之類的照片,和空間較大的遠距離照片,像海邊、公園、山林間。 風景照的題目裡,要特別小心用被動進行式句子表示動作的錯誤選項。我們來看看一個範例:
- The farmworkers are harvesting the crops.
- There are mountains in the distance.
- The players are running onto the field.
- Some seeds are being planted in the field.
- 農場工人正在收割莊稼。
- 遠處有群山。
- 球員在球場上奔跑。
- 一些種子正在田裡被播種者。
正解: (B)
Some fruits are displayed for sale in a shop. ( 一些水果被陳列在商店內販售。)
A vehicle is parked in the garage. ( 一輛汽車停在車庫裡。)
A picture is attached to the wall. ( 一張照片被貼在牆上。)
Some seats have been placed in a circle. ( 一些座位被排成一個圓。)
The windows are covered with boards. ( 窗戶被木板蓋住了。)
There’s a gap between the chairs. ( 椅子之間有間隔。)
A desk has been placed next to the sofa. ( 桌子擺放在沙發旁邊。)
Some plates are stacked on the table. ( 桌上疊放一些盤子。)
Some crates are piled in the corner. ( 角落邊堆放著幾個箱子。)
There are some ducks floating on the water. ( 水面上有一些鴨子。)
Some sailboats are docked near a wharf. ( 一些帆船停靠在碼頭邊。)
A row of umbrellas stretches along the beach. ( 一排的傘被打開沿著海灘擺放。)
The mountains are reflected in the lake. ( 山倒映在湖面上。)
A road passes through a forest. ( 一條小路貫穿樹林。)
The camping area is deserted. ( 露營區空無一人。)
Trees line both sides of the road. ( 樹木排列在道路兩旁。)
Some leaves are scattered on the lawn. ( 樹葉散落在草坪上。)
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