TOEIC Reading 5 Exercisee 116

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O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:8:"question";s:92:"Most banks offer special loans for people looking to ______ money to start a small business.";s:7:"choices";a:4:{i:0;s:6:"borrow";i:1;s:6:"invest";i:2;s:9:"reconcile";i:3;s:6:"deduct";}}
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<p><span style="">The correct answer is (</span><span style="">A) borrow</span><span style="">.</span><br></p>

<p>The word "borrow" means to take and use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of returning it. In this context, it refers to the act of obtaining money from a bank with the agreement to repay it later. Banks offer loans specifically for this purpose, allowing individuals to borrow money to start a small business.</p>

<p>The other options, (B) invest, (C) reconcile, and (D) deduct, do not accurately describe the action of obtaining money from a bank for starting a small business.</p>

<p>(B) Invest means to put money into a business or project with the expectation of earning a profit. While starting a small business may involve investing money, it is not the same as borrowing money from a bank.</p>

<p>(C) Reconcile means to settle or resolve differences, often used in the context of balancing financial accounts. This does not accurately describe the action of obtaining money from a bank.</p>

<p>(D) Deduct means to subtract or take away an amount from a total. This is not relevant to the action of obtaining money from a bank for starting a small business.</p>