TOEIC Reading 5 Exercisee 27

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O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:8:"question";s:137:"Since Mr. Young is not available to chair this year's business association meeting, another member of the committee could ______ for him.";s:7:"choices";a:4:{i:0;s:6:"gather";i:1;s:8:"evaluate";i:2;s:10:"strategize";i:3;s:10:"substitute";}}
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<p>Since Mr. Young is not available to chair this year's business association meeting, another member of the committee could <u>substitute</u> for him.</p>
<p>The correct answer is <strong>(D) substitute</strong>.</p>
<p>In this context, the word "substitute" means to act as a replacement or stand-in for someone else. In this case, since Mr. Young is not available to chair the meeting, another member of the committee can take his place and fulfill his role as the chair.</p>
<p>The other options, (A) gather, (B) evaluate, and (C) strategize, do not fit the context of the sentence. "Gather" means to collect or assemble, which is not relevant to chairing a meeting. "Evaluate" means to assess or judge, which is not necessary for someone chairing a meeting. "Strategize" means to plan or devise strategies, which is not directly related to chairing a meeting either.</p>