TOEIC Reading 5 Exercisee 272

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O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:8:"question";s:119:"The creation of the award-winning animation was the result of a ______ effort by several members of the animation team.";s:7:"choices";a:4:{i:0;s:10:"collecting";i:1;s:8:"collects";i:2;s:7:"collect";i:3;s:10:"collective";}}
TOEIC Reading 5 Category: 
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<p>The correct answer is <strong>(D) collective</strong>.</p>
<p>In this sentence, the phrase "the result of" indicates that something caused or led to the creation of the award-winning animation. The missing word should describe the type of effort that was made.&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 13.008px;">(D)</span><span style="font-size: 13.008px;">&nbsp;"collective"&nbsp; is an adjective that means "done by or belonging to a group of people." It fits the sentence structure and meaning perfectly. The award-winning animation was the result of a collective effort, meaning it was created by several members of the animation team working together.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 13.008px;">(A)</span>&nbsp;"collecting"&nbsp; is a verb form and does not fit the sentence structure. It would suggest that the animation was the result of a process of gathering or collecting something, which does not make sense in this context.</p>
<p><span style="font-size: 13.008px;">(B)</span>&nbsp;"collects"&nbsp; is a verb form in the present tense. Again, it does not fit the sentence structure. It would suggest that the animation currently collects something, which does not make sense.</p>
<p><span style="font-size: 13.008px;">(C)</span>&nbsp;"collect"&nbsp; is a verb form in the base form. It does not fit the sentence structure because it is missing the subject. The sentence needs a noun to describe the type of effort, not a verb.</p>