TOEIC Reading 5 Exercisee 355

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O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:8:"question";s:97:"Carmakers are using special ______ such as rebates and cut-rate financing to sell their vehicles.";s:7:"choices";a:4:{i:0;s:10:"initiative";i:1;s:11:"affiliation";i:2;s:10:"incentives";i:3;s:8:"overhaul";}}
TOEIC Reading 5 Category: 
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<p>Carmakers are using special <strong>incentives</strong> such as rebates and cut-rate financing to sell their vehicles.</p><p><span style="font-size: 13.008px;">(C) incentives - Correct. The word "incentives" refers to things that motivate or encourage someone to do something. In the context of the sentence, carmakers are using special incentives, such as rebates and cut-rate financing, to motivate or encourage people to buy their vehicles.</span><br></p><p>Other incorrect options:</p>
<p>(A) initiative - Incorrect. The word "initiative" refers to a new plan or action taken to solve a problem or achieve a goal. It does not fit the context of the sentence, as it does not describe the special offers used by carmakers to sell their vehicles.</p>
<p>(B) affiliation - Incorrect. The word "affiliation" refers to a connection or association with a particular group or organization. It does not fit the context of the sentence, as it does not describe the special offers used by carmakers to sell their vehicles.</p>
<p>(D) overhaul - Incorrect. The word "overhaul" refers to a thorough examination or improvement of something. It does not fit the context of the sentence, as it does not describe the special offers used by carmakers to sell their vehicles.</p>