In part 2, the examiner will give you a task card which asks you to talk about a particular topic. You will be given 1 minute to prepare and 1-2 minutes to talk about the topic. You will not be interrupted during this time, so it is important to keep talking.
Read the question
Speaking test part 2: candidate task card
Describe a TV programme that you often watch. You should say:
What kind of programme it is
Why you watch it
When and why you first started watching it
And say if you think that programme is better than other TV programmes that are on at the same time or not, and why
Start preparing now
Speaking test part 2: candidate task card
Describe a TV programme that you often watch. You should say:
What kind of programme it is
Why you watch it
When and why you first started watching it
And say if you think that programme is better than other TV programmes that are on at the same time or not, and why
Speaking test part 2: candidate task card
Describe a TV programme that you often watch. You should say:
What kind of programme it is
Why you watch it
When and why you first started watching it
And say if you think that programme is better than other TV programmes that are on at the same time or not, and why
Thank you!
You have completed this part.
Describe a TV programme that you often watch. You should say:
What kind of programme it is
Why you watch it
When and why you first started watching it
And say if you think that programme is better than other TV programmes that are on at the same time or not, and why
play_circle_filledSpeaking test part 2: candidate task card
Describe a TV programme that you often watch. You should say:
What kind of programme it is
Why you watch it
When and why you first started watching it
And say if you think that programme is better than other TV programmes that are on at the same time or not, and why
Get your speaking response scored with audio feedback and a detailed score report.
Take a closer look at the sample speaking review below.
Get a Speaking Review
SAMPLE IELTS Speaking Report
SAMPLE Score Summary 
Audio Feedback (Sample)
Audio feedback helps with pronunciation, intonation and flow of speech
SAMPLE Criteria Score Reports
Pronunciation 5/9
• attempts to control features but lapses are frequent
• mispronunciations are frequent and cause some difficulty for the listener
Pronunciation is about how you form English sounds and how you use natural English intonation. Your pronunciation and intonation can damage your score if it is difficult for the raters to understand what you are saying.
How to Improve
Watch the following pronunciation video lessons to improve your pronunciation.
Vowel | Video Lesson |
Vowel ɪ and i | ... |
Vowel ɛ and æ | ... |
Vowel ə and ʌ | ... |
Vowel ɔ and ɑ | ... |
Vowel ʊ and u | ... |
Consonants | Video Lesson |
Consonant b and p | ... |
Consonant d and t | ... |
Consonant g and k | ... |
Consonant dʒ and tʃ | ... |
Consonant v and f | ... |
Consonant ð and θ | ... |
Consonant s and z | ... |
Consonant ʃ and ʒ | ... |
Consonant m, n and ŋ | ... |
Consonant l and r | ... |
Consonant h, w and y |
... ... |
Fluency and Coherence 5/9
• may over-use certain connectives and discourse markers
• produces simple speech fluently, but more complex communication causes fluency problems
Fluency and Coherence is about how quickly you can speak, how much pausing and hesitation you use, and how well you use connection words to develop and organize your talk. You don't have to speak quickly, but just quickly enough to sound natural and explain all of your ideas. Raters want to hear natural rhythm and flow.
How to Improve
To improve your speech flow...
Unnatural Pauses and Hesitations Reduction Exercise
Practice any IELTS question and record your answer. Then listen to your recording and...
Speech Pacing Exercise
An important key to earning a high score on Speech delivery is pacing in your speech. A good pacing means using proper pauses and word stresses. Here is a step-by-step exercise that can help you improve the pacing in your speech:
- ...
- ...
- ...
Grammatical Range and Accuracy 5.5/9
Correct grammar usage is about how you use English grammar and sentence structure. Raters want to see that you can use what you know correctly. Your grammar doesn't have to be perfect to score high, but mistakes shouldn't interfere with your meaning.
How to Improve
Using right tenses is important in IELTS speaking. Every time you are not sure about what tense you should use, refer to our sample answer and...
Grammar topic | Lesson |
All past tenses | ... |
Present perfect tense | ... |
How to talk about future using right tenses | ... |
Mixed Verb Tenses in English: Conditionals and IF clauses | ... |
Lexical Resource (Vocabulary) 6/9
• generally paraphrases successfully
Lexical Resource (Vocabulary) is about how you use English words. Raters are looking for responses that use different words correctly and accurately, and that use a wide range of words that help listeners understand.
How to Improve
To improve your vocabulary in speaking, ...
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IELTS speaking LessonsCompleted: 0 / 64
Useful vocabulary for Part 1 questions about TV shows
Do you watch TV a lot?
Not really. I’m quite a busy person. Most of the time, I just put something on in the background while I’m using my laptop.
I go through phases. Sometimes I am really into a show, and I end up binge-watching it over a few days. At some point, however, I might feel guilty. After all, there are better things I could be doing with my time, so I take a break for a few weeks.
What kind of TV programmes do you watch?
It depends. Sometimes, if I’m tired at the end of the day, I’ll just put on a sitcom or a cookery programme or something. If I am in the mood for something more serious, I opt for drama series and some documentaries.
Useful vocabulary for Part 2 questions about TV shows
Describe a TV programme that you often watch. You should say:
- What kind of programme it is
- Why you watch it
- When and why you first started watching it
In addition, mention whether you think this programme is better than other TV programmes that are on at the same time, and explain why.
Today, I’d like to talk about the American TV series “Games of Thrones.”
Most people have heard of the “Games of Thrones” series, and many have even watched it before. The show has recently been among the most popular American TV series. However, I didn’t watch it when it was aired originally. Actually, it was not until my friend told me about how good it was that I decided to watch it.
I think the “Games of Thrones” has outdone some other TV series because the characters and the writing have been exceptional. The plot had so many great twists and there were no spoilers. Normally, I can guess where the story is going, but with this series, life was full of surprises. They also had a lot of plot threads to resolve. Overall, I think they have done a really good job with it.
I felt like it went downhill during the last season, though. Some storylines just made no sense, and there was a lot of padding. Another problem was that it became too melodramatic. Every episode finished with a huge cliffhanger, like a bad case of soap opera. I hate it when a TV series leaves the storyline hanging in the air and doesn’t explain things properly.
Overall, the “Game of Thrones” has something for everyone to enjoy, and people from all over the world can appreciate the series because its story is so interesting and unique. If you ask me, many viewers including myself will keep watching “Games of Thrones” for a long time to come.
'Binge-watch' means that you watch a lot of episodes of a TV show in a very short time.
If you say 'I go through phases', and you're talking about watching TV, you mean that there are times when you watch TV regularly, and times when you don't.
If you put something on in the background, you aren't really watching it. Maybe you're half-watching, or you're listening but not watching.
Cliffhanger: A dramatic ending to an episode, when you really want to know what happens next.
Plot threads: Plot threads are like storylines. Many TV shows have many characters and plot threads, which go in parallel with each other. Generally, you want the series to resolve all of its plot threads, meaning that every storyline would have a logical ending.
Spoiler: Information in a newspaper article, blog, etc. that gives you the latest highlights in a given television programme.
Padding: 'Padding' means something which is added just to fill time. If a TV show has a lot of padding, there's a lot of empty content:
Melodramatic: overly emotional