In part 2, the examiner will give you a task card which asks you to talk about a particular topic. You will be given 1 minute to prepare and 1-2 minutes to talk about the topic. You will not be interrupted during this time, so it is important to keep talking.
Read the question
Speaking test part 2: candidate task card
Talk about a job you have done or know about.
You should say:
What people do in that job
What kind of place they work in
What clothes and equipment they need
And say if you think it is a satisfying job to do or not, and why
Start preparing now
Speaking test part 2: candidate task card
Talk about a job you have done or know about.
You should say:
What people do in that job
What kind of place they work in
What clothes and equipment they need
And say if you think it is a satisfying job to do or not, and why
Speaking test part 2: candidate task card
Talk about a job you have done or know about.
You should say:
What people do in that job
What kind of place they work in
What clothes and equipment they need
And say if you think it is a satisfying job to do or not, and why
Thank you!
You have completed this part.
Talk about a job you have done or know about.
You should say:
What people do in that job
What kind of place they work in
What clothes and equipment they need
And say if you think it is a satisfying job to do or not, and why
play_circle_filledSpeaking test part 2: candidate task card
Talk about a job you have done or know about.
You should say:
What people do in that job
What kind of place they work in
What clothes and equipment they need
And say if you think it is a satisfying job to do or not, and why
Get your speaking response scored with audio feedback and a detailed score report.
Take a closer look at the sample speaking review below.
Get a Speaking Review
SAMPLE IELTS Speaking Report
SAMPLE Score Summary 
Audio Feedback (Sample)
Audio feedback helps with pronunciation, intonation and flow of speech
SAMPLE Criteria Score Reports
Pronunciation 5/9
• attempts to control features but lapses are frequent
• mispronunciations are frequent and cause some difficulty for the listener
Pronunciation is about how you form English sounds and how you use natural English intonation. Your pronunciation and intonation can damage your score if it is difficult for the raters to understand what you are saying.
How to Improve
Watch the following pronunciation video lessons to improve your pronunciation.
Vowel | Video Lesson |
Vowel ɪ and i | ... |
Vowel ɛ and æ | ... |
Vowel ə and ʌ | ... |
Vowel ɔ and ɑ | ... |
Vowel ʊ and u | ... |
Consonants | Video Lesson |
Consonant b and p | ... |
Consonant d and t | ... |
Consonant g and k | ... |
Consonant dʒ and tʃ | ... |
Consonant v and f | ... |
Consonant ð and θ | ... |
Consonant s and z | ... |
Consonant ʃ and ʒ | ... |
Consonant m, n and ŋ | ... |
Consonant l and r | ... |
Consonant h, w and y |
... ... |
Fluency and Coherence 5/9
• may over-use certain connectives and discourse markers
• produces simple speech fluently, but more complex communication causes fluency problems
Fluency and Coherence is about how quickly you can speak, how much pausing and hesitation you use, and how well you use connection words to develop and organize your talk. You don't have to speak quickly, but just quickly enough to sound natural and explain all of your ideas. Raters want to hear natural rhythm and flow.
How to Improve
To improve your speech flow...
Unnatural Pauses and Hesitations Reduction Exercise
Practice any IELTS question and record your answer. Then listen to your recording and...
Speech Pacing Exercise
An important key to earning a high score on Speech delivery is pacing in your speech. A good pacing means using proper pauses and word stresses. Here is a step-by-step exercise that can help you improve the pacing in your speech:
- ...
- ...
- ...
Grammatical Range and Accuracy 5.5/9
Correct grammar usage is about how you use English grammar and sentence structure. Raters want to see that you can use what you know correctly. Your grammar doesn't have to be perfect to score high, but mistakes shouldn't interfere with your meaning.
How to Improve
Using right tenses is important in IELTS speaking. Every time you are not sure about what tense you should use, refer to our sample answer and...
Grammar topic | Lesson |
All past tenses | ... |
Present perfect tense | ... |
How to talk about future using right tenses | ... |
Mixed Verb Tenses in English: Conditionals and IF clauses | ... |
Lexical Resource (Vocabulary) 6/9
• generally paraphrases successfully
Lexical Resource (Vocabulary) is about how you use English words. Raters are looking for responses that use different words correctly and accurately, and that use a wide range of words that help listeners understand.
How to Improve
To improve your vocabulary in speaking, ...
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IELTS speaking LessonsCompleted: 0 / 64
Useful vocabulary for Part 1 questions about work
Do you have a job right now?
(have a job)
Yes, I work for Starbucks. Right now I work full-time as a shift supervisor, but if I go back to school, I’ll most likely switch to working part-time. Juggling school and work is exhausting.
Currently, I am an intern in a non-profit organization. They offer me an internship stipend, which is basically a really modest remuneration. And when the program ends, all of my food and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed.
At present, I’m a writer, and I do a lot of freelance work. The best part about my job is the freedom to work anytime, from anywhere in the world, as long as the job is done well and on time.
Well, I have always wanted to become a freelance photographer, so I started my own business 6 years ago, and I have never looked back. One of the perks of being self-employed is that I get to create my own schedule and choose my clients.
I have a start-up company at the moment. Since it is a home-based business, the overhead is low. At the same time, we are also looking for more venture capital to really make the grade.
I am an entrepreneur, and I have to say it’s been incredibly rewarding. My company is fully remote, which means we are all telecommuting.
(Don't have a job)
I made a major career change earlier this year because I was tired of having a 9-5 job. So I’m in between jobs at the moment.
No, it’s been one year since I graduated, and I still cannot land a job. But actually, I have several interviews in the upcoming weeks. Hopefully, things are starting to look up.
Well, I have been jobless for a few months. I lost my job due to department-wide lay-offs. A lot of my coworkers were let go - even the chief executive of my company stepped down. And unfortunately, I’m still job hunting.
Not at the moment. The truth is, I was made redundant last year when my company got bought out. Luckily, the severance pay gave me some leeway to look for a new job
What responsibilities do you have at work?
Well, I work in a pharmacy as a dispenser. I’m in charge of processing prescriptions, creating labels, and dispensing medication. I also assist customers over the counter, sometimes, which I really enjoy, as I like communicating with people.
I earn a wage by plumbing. My job involves installing, repairing, and maintaining pipes and other equipment used to distribute water. It can be challenging at times, but I like being able to work in different locations on a regular basis.
Do you enjoy your job?
Yes, my current job provides many fringe benefits, such as health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plan contributions. I also get a lot of job satisfaction. It’s perfect for where I am in life right now.
Very much, I have a high-paying job. I pull in six figures every year. And on top of that, there are many other perks provided along with the job: fitness center access, tuition reimbursement, on-staff masseuse, and cafeteria plans, just to name a few.
Yes, I like working as an outside sales representative. Although I’m not exactly making a killing, the pay is decent. And I like the fact the workplace setting is constantly changing, as opposed to me being stuck behind a desk.
Yes and no, I mean... The job I have now is overall acceptable. I am a salesperson, so I earn a basic salary plus commision. But I am not always reimbursed for certain business expenses. It’s frustrating.
No, while my job is stable, the pay is not very high. I am only making the bare minimum and living paycheck to paycheck. I don’t know what I would do if I were fired.
I don’t like my job. It is so mind-numbingly boring. And the worst part is that I barely earn a living wage even though I was told that I am the fastest worker on the production line.
What is your typical day at work like?
I work in a local coffee shop, and I work the day shift most of the time. So a typical workday for me starts at 8 AM sharp. Being a barista also means that I have to be on my feet for many hours, but I like to move around a lot.
My workday always starts early. The commute to my job is a long one, so that’s when I do most of my routine correspondence. Sometimes, there are meetings or presentations after lunch when things tend to pick up and get busier. I usually get off work around 5 PM.
What would you change about your job?
I wish my commute was shorter. My daily commute to work takes around 2 hours, and that is just crazy. As a matter of fact, I’m considering handing in my resignation and looking for a job that is closer to my home.
I think my salary does not commensurate with my efforts. Although I thought about leaving this rat race job, I’m still struggling to make ends meet. So for me, this is out of the question.
Stipend: an amount of money that is paid regularly to someone, especially for work or training, that is usually unpaid.
Remuneration: money paid for work or a service.
Reimburse: to pay someone back an amount of money that they have spent doing their work.
Freelance: self-employed and hired to work for different companies on particular assignments.
Overhead: ongoing business expenses not directly attributed to creating a product or service.
Venture capital: capital invested in a project in which there is a substantial element of risk, typically in a new or expanding business.
Telecommute: work from home, making use of the Internet, email, and the telephone.
Be in between jobs: Someone who is in between jobs used to have a job, but, for various reasons, is now unemployed and looking for another job.
Be made redundant: be dismissed from a job because of no longer being needed.
Severance pay: an amount paid to an employee on the early termination of a contract.
Leeway: the freedom that someone has to take the action they want to or to change their plans.
Rat race job: Rat race refers to a way of life in modern society in which people compete with each other for power and money.
Make ends meet: earn just enough money to live on.
Commensurate: If the level of one thing is commensurate with the level of another, the former is in a suitable proportion to the latter.
Fringe benefits: a type of extra benefit, supplementing an employee's money wage or salary, for example, a company car, private healthcare, etc.
Perks: a type of benefit to which one is entitled because of one's job.
Make a killing: make a lot of money.
Stuck behind a desk: holding a job that is all desk work.
Live paycheck to paycheck: Living paycheck to paycheck simply means that you are using most or all of your monthly income to cover your monthly expenses.
Mind-numbing: so extreme or intense as to prevent normal thought.