Loading Audio

Please make sure your headset is on. Follow the instruction on each screen. Be sure that your microphone is properly positioned and adjusted to allow for the best possible recording. Speak directly into the microphone and in your normal speaking volume.

Click on Continue when you are ready to go on.

Note: This section will not appear on an actual TOEFL test.

Click the start button to make sure the recorder is working :)

Adjusting the Microphone

In order to adjust your microphone volume, please answer the practice question below, using your normal speaking tone and volume. Wait until you hear a beep to respond.

You will have 15 seconds to speak. If you finish responding before 15 seconds are finished, you can click on Stop Recording. After you are done recording, click on Playback Response and listen to your recording. If you cannot hear your response clearly, make necessary adjustments and repeat the microphone check.

We do not recommend the use of a microphone with a voice activation feature. If you use a microphone with a voice activation feature, the first few seconds of your responses may not be recorded.

"Describe the city you live in"

00 : 00 : 15

Your response time has ended. Stop speaking now.

Click on Playback Response to hear your recording. Once you have heard your response you may make any necessary adjustment to your microphone.

Click on Record Again to go back to the question and immediately record your response again.

Click on Continue to accept your current settings now and to continue on to the next screen.

Please select your choice above.

Speaking Section Directions

In this speaking practice test, you will be able to demonstrate your ability to speak about a variety of topics. You will answer 4 questions by speaking into a microphone. Answer each of the questions as completely as possible.

In question 1, you will speak about familiar topics. Your response will be scored on your ability to speak clearly and coherently about the topics.

In questions 2 and 3 you will first read a short text. The text will go away and you will then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will then be asked a question about what you have read and heard. You will need to combine appropriate information from the test and the talk to provide a complete answer to the question. Your response will be scored on your ability to speak clearly and coherently and on your ability to accurately convey information about what you have read and heard.

In question 4, you will listen to part of a lecture. You will then be asked a question about what you have heard. Your response will be scored on your ability to speak clearly and coherently and on your ability to accurately convey information about what you heard.

In questions 2 through 4, you may take notes while you read and while you listen to the conversations and lectures. You may use your notes to help prepare your response.

Listen carefully to the directions for each question. The directions will not be written on the screen. For each question, you will be given a short time to prepare your responses (15 to 30 seconds, depending on the question.) A clock will show how much preparation time is remaining. When the preparation time is up, you will be told to begin your response. A clock will show how much response time is remaining. A message will appear on the screen when the response time has ended.

In this practice test, you can click Stop Recording to stop the recording of your response.

Please note that the Stop Recording button is available only for this practice test. It will NOT be available during your official TOEFL exam.

(Click on Continue at any time to dismiss these directions.)

Click to initialize Speaking Task 1 automated testing

Begin Test

Initializing Speaking Task 1

Please listen carefully.

Should schools engage in character education to instill morals and values in children?

Once you are done reading the question, Click on Continue to go on.

NOTE: in the official test, you will not have a continue button.
You will first hear the question, then you will start preparing.
Should schools engage in character education to instill morals and values in children?
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds
00 : 00 : 15

Your response time has ended. Stop speaking now.

This is the end of Independent Speaking 1. Integrated Speaking 2 will begin automatically in 60 seconds.

If you do not wish to wait, click Confirm Response.