toefl guide

Resources on TOEFL Study Plans and Preparation Methods

If you're planning on passing TOEFL, planning out a study schedule is a critical first step. These posts are mostly guides aimed to help you build your own TOEFL study plan allowing you to schedule your time for optimal learning.

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TOEFL Preparation Guide Glossary

New TOEFL Changes 2025 - New TOEFL Format Preparation Guides for 2025 Changes Ron Ross November 1st, 2024 TOEFL Preparation Guide

TOEFL is shortening it's length by 1 hour and incrementing smaller changes that will result in more room for error. They are starting with the TOEFL speaking and TOEFL writing sections. The small, but impactful changes to their TOEFL speaking and TOEFL writing sections will be discussed In this article. You'll learn about the new TOEFL format changes for the speaking and writing sections and the new IBT MyBest™ score reports. The new score reports will help those who have taken the test multiple times.


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TOEFL Reading Study Plan Madison Oster October 12th, 2021 TOEFL Preparation Guide
This article presents you with two TOEFL reading study plans. One study plan is for test takers who receive a 0-14 score on the TOEFL reading section. Another study plan is for test takers who receive a 15-21 score on the TOEFL reading section If you have never taken a TOEFL test, you can take a diagnostic test from our website or buy tests from ETS.
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Reaching That Dream Score on the TOEFL® Madison Oster October 12th, 2021 TOEFL Preparation Guide
TOEFL is not a pass/fail exam. So no matter how badly you have done or how well you perform, you will always get back a numeric score. If there's no Fail rate, how can you know what is a good TOEFL score? Honestly, that is a difficult question to answer correctly. A good score can be 90 or 100 or 110. It all depends on the program you apply to and your personal goal. On average a TOEFL score of 90 is really good, however, if your program requires 100, then it's not good enough. Some programs don’t require a specific overall score, but require a higher score in the speaking section. Please be aware of this when you are studying.
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A 6 Month TOEFL Study Plan for Your TOEFL Preparation Success James Liu October 12th, 2021 TOEFL Preparation Guide

This study plan was created by professional TOEFL instructors to help you organize your TOEFL studying over a six month period. This plan includes suggestions on how to study each TOEFL section and a six-month study schedule. This plan is broken down into 6 months and 4 phases - Month 1: You will be focussing on building fundamental English skills. - Month 2 - 4: Using the skills you learned during month 1, you will do many TOEFL exercises, TOEFL practices, and 3 reserved simulated tests. - Month 5: You will review everything you learned in months 1 - 4. - Month 6: You will do a final reserved simulated test and review everything before the official TOEFL exam.

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A One Month Study Plan for TOEFL® Success James Liu October 12th, 2021 TOEFL Preparation Guide

This study plan was created by professional TOEFL instructors to help you organize your TOEFL studying over a one month period. This plan includes suggestions on how to study each TOEFL section and a one-month study schedule. If you use this study guide, it’s safe to assume your test will be within 1 month. Therefore, the main objective of this plan is to improve your overall English skills and get you completely familiar with the TOEFL test within 1 month. By the end of the study plan, you will know the TOEFL format and question types, as well as the skills needed to successfully ace the exam.

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The Ultimate Guide for Your TOEFL Preparation Madison Oster October 12th, 2021 TOEFL Preparation Guide

This TOEFL preparation guide will show you how to make a great easy-to-follow study plan, how to determine your TOEFL score goals, and what the best study tools are when studying for the TOEFL and more.

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How to score high in TOEFL Kayla C. October 12th, 2021 TOEFL Preparation Guide

Unlike most exams or tests, the TOEFL® does not have one passing or failing. Rather, you just get your score and your success is dependent on your school of choice or the mark required of an applicant for your institution. As such it is important to secure that one aims for the highest score possible. The following is a guide that would help a student maximize their TOEFL® score.

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