toefl guide

TOEFL Reading Study Plan

Madison Oster October 12th, 2021

This article presents you with two TOEFL reading study plans. One study plan is for test takers who receive a 0-14 score on the TOEFL reading section. Another study plan is for test takers who receive a 15-21 score on the TOEFL reading section. If you have never taken a TOEFL test, you can take a diagnostic test from our website or buy tests from ETS. 

Your current TOEFL score: 0-14

Test takers who receive a score at the LOW level typically understand some of the information presented in academic texts in English that require a wide range of reading abilities, but their understanding is limited.

Test takers who receive a score at the LOW level typically:

  • have a command of basic academic vocabulary, but their understanding of less common vocabulary is inconsistent
  • have limited ability to understand and connect information, have difficulty recognizing paraphrases of text information, and often rely on particular words and phrases rather than a complete understanding of the text
  • have difficulty identifying the author’s purpose, except when that purpose is explicitly stated in the text or easy to infer from the text
  • can sometimes recognize major ideas from a text when the information is clearly presented, memorable or illustrated by examples, but have difficulty doing so when the text is more demanding

Suggested Study Plan (6 months)

1-3 month

1. Study all 2000 words from our “TOEFL vocabulary List” or “TOEFL Vocabulary Flashcard” on a daily basis. (Study 30 words per day.)

2. Read 4 articles per day

  • Read 2 history or archaeology articles from
  • Read 2 science articles from
  • Read an entire passage from beginning to end.
  • Look for the main ideas and supporting details and pay attention to the relationship between them in each passage
  • Improve your reading speed to a rate of, at least, 220 words per minute
  • Practice summarizing each passage with your own words

3. Complete 10 reading lessons about TOEFL reading question types

3-5 month

1. Complete 40 TOEFL reading practices (Each TOEFL reading practice contains 1 TOEFL reading passage and 14 questions) from our “TOEFL QUESTION” section.

2. Analyze your mistakes and refer to our 10 TOEFL reading question types lessons to formulate your strategy for each reading question type.

3. Review vocabulary you are not familiar with.

4. Read 1 article per day.

6 month

1. Take 4 TOEFL simulated reading tests

2. Complete 20 TOEFL reading practices (Each TOEFL reading practice contains 1 TOEFL reading passage and 14 questions) from our “TOEFL QUESTION” section.


Your current TOEFL Score: 15-21

Test takers who receive a score at the INTERMEDIATE level typically understand academic texts in English that require a wide range of reading abilities, although their understanding of certain parts of the texts is limited.

Test takers who receive a score at the INTERMEDIATE level typically:

  • have a good command of common academic vocabulary, but still have some difficulty with high-level vocabulary
  • have a very good understanding of grammatical structure
  • can understand and connect information, make appropriate inferences, and synthesize information in a range of texts, but have more difficulty when the vocabulary is high level and the text is conceptually dense
  • can recognize the expository organization of a text and the role that specific information serves within a larger text, but have some difficulty when these are not explicit or easy to infer from the text
  • can abstract major ideas from a text, but have more difficulty doing so when the text is conceptually dense

Suggested Study Plan (3 months)

1 month

1. Study all words (about 900 words) from our “TOEFL vocabulary lesson exercise” (

2. Complete 10 TOEFL reading lessons about TOEFL reading question types

3. Read 4 articles per week

Complete 8 TOEFL reading practices (Each TOEFL reading practice contains 1 TOEFL reading passage and 14 questions) from our “TOEFL QUESTION” section.

2 month

1. Complete 42 TOEFL reading practices (Each TOEFL reading practice contains 1 TOEFL reading passage and 14 questions) from our “TOEFL QUESTION” section.

2. Analyze your mistakes and refer to our 10 TOEFL reading question types lessons to formulate your strategy for each reading question type.

3. Review vocabulary you are not familiar with

3 month

1. Take 4 TOEFL simulated reading tests

2. Complete 10 TOEFL reading practices (Each TOEFL reading practice contains 1 TOEFL reading passage and 14 questions) from our “TOEFL QUESTION” section.

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